
Cleaning the Augean Stables

In Elis, King Augeas reigned over a kingdom where his cattle's stables had accumulated filth beyond measure. King Eurystheus saw an opportunity to test Heracles' mettle and commanded him to cleanse the infested stables in a single day—a task seemingly insurmountable.

Undeterred, Heracles devised a plan. He diverted the rivers Alpheus and Peneus, their torrents coursing through the putrid stables, washing away the accumulated grime. The rivers surged, a deluge of purifying waters transforming the foul abode into pristine cleanliness.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Heracles emerged, drenched in sweat and grime, but triumphant. The labor was complete, and the Augean Stables shone anew, a testament to the hero's prodigious strength and resourcefulness.