

Lynn went into the studio as she could hear the loud music playing in the background already. She pushed the door open and went in as she could feel a new surge of energy fill her up.

"Hey Lynn!"

"Hey guys!"


"What's up?"

Their greetings filled up the room as she shook some of them by the hand, gave a high-five and hugged a few.

"You ready for today?" A girl in ponytail asked

"You bet I am?" Lynn said with a smug as she knew she'd been practicing with Noel and Jane as her coach. She could pretty much dance the steps while asleep. Placing her bag at the corner of the room, she crouched down to take out her short to change into. Her current jean didn't seem like the comfiest choice to go with to dance.

She got up and turned to leave for the changing room but flinched as she hadn't notice the figure that'd been behind her since who knows when. She looked up and mistook him for Simon for a second but a blink had cleared up her sight.

"Sky," she called.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he spoke up.

"Oh, it's fine. What's up?" Lynn said as she wondered why he'd suddenly approached her. He'd just started at the academy and she came to realize over the past week of rehearsals that he wasn't much of a speaker. He let's his dancing do the speaking for him and Lynn was a witness...it speaks a lot. She thought his flexibility and stance was quite exquisite and she'd been hoping to get a few tips from him but for some reason he had a guard around him that makes people want to stay away. Something about him screamed superiority.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened at the store. I hadn't meant to hurt your friend, I'm sorry."

Never did she think he would ever apologize.

She shifted her weight and placed her hand on her waist as the incident came back, causing a little wave of irritation to hit her.

"First off, I'm not the one that needs to be apologized too. It's Noel. Secondly, why are you apologizing? That childish coward you have as a friend should be the one to," she said referring to Clark who had tried to scare her off.

Sky went quite for a moment before clearing out "He's not my friend,"

Lynn stared at him for a minute as she could pick up the daunt in his voice. Remembering how the guy had pushed him without a care made her wonder how she'd thought they were friends.

"How's your head?" she asked as he looked taken aback by the question for a second.

"Oh, it's fine. It was just a slight bump," he said and Lynn unconsciously compared him to Jeremy who happened to have the softest attitude in the family. Talking to him made her feel she had been wary of him for nothing.

"You say you're not friends with that guy right?" Lynn asked and he nodded. She didn't think he was aware of Clark being a vampire, and she knew that's even more dangerous. "That's good. If you ever come across him just avoid him okay? He doesn't seem like the best to be around."

"Hm." he answered quietly and Lynn almost gave his hair a ruffle. "Anyway, I'll let Noel know about your apology so you don't have to worry. She's probably forgotten about it anyway,"

He let out a soft smile that made her remember Simon "Thank you,"

She smiled back and gave Sky a little tap on the arm before making her way to the changing room. Coming back out with her shorts on and the hoody around her waist, she felt much more comfortable and ready for business.

"Alright guys, gather up!" The coach clapped and everyone came up in a huddle.


sitting a mile away at the top of a roof was a shocked White who couldn't get his eyes off the hoodie on Lynn's waist.

"That's mine," he muttered as a surge of emotions rushed through him, causing his lips to curve upward. He had come up to watch her practice as usual, he wasn't expecting to get more than he never paid for. Staring at Lynn who looked so focused on listening to the coach, he recalled the last night and wondered what had made her so scared. He couldn't go in to her so all he could do was stand outside and wait for her to calm down. As pathetic as he felt, it was all he could do... and it was starting to get to him. A footstep drew closer.

"I knew I'd find you here," Simon said as he came up behind White who didn't spare him a glance.

He looked down the lane White was so focused on and wasn't surprised to see it was Lynn. Simon let out a sigh with a little shook of his head but then he paused immediately he noticed the familiar cloth tied around her waist. He glanced at White and didn't know why he hadn't realized White had on a blue hoodie unlike the usual red he loved so much. He looked back at Lynn and his brows folded.

"Is that yours?" He asked and white hummed in response. Simon's mouth fell open as he knew just how much White loved that piece. "Isn't that your best?"

"I don't mind,"

Simon scoffed in disbelief "You never gave me no matter how much I begged for it,"

White finally looked at him but it was with a grimace "Why on earth would I give it to you?"

"Uhhh 'cause we're close?"

It was White's turn to scoff now. "You wish,"

Simon stared dumbfounded as he knew it was useless trying to win a fight when it comes to Lynn. She's always been his first priority.

He looked back at the studio and saw them all pairing up. A girl walked up to Lynn and the atmosphere between them wasn't friendly. Simon listened in on their conversation.

"I hope you're ready to get your ass kicked," the girl said

"And I hope you're ready to stop having so much confidence," Lynn replied and the girl smirked.

"That's never going to happen,"

"Yeah, just like how you're never going to get off my business 'cause you know I'm better than you," Lynn said.

"I keep saying the same thing," White said in support of Lynn and Simon looked at him.

"Doesn't she dance better than Lynn does?" He asked and White shot him a look that could kill.

"She doesn't even hold a candlestick to Lynn," he bragged and looked back at the studio while Simon was wondering why he almost had his heart ripped out because he asked a question.

"We'll see about that," Kylee said and made her way to the center with four others.

Positioning themselves, Lynn watched carefully. The hall went silent and the in less than a minute, it boomed with the intro of the song 'Worth it'. Lynn quietly watched Kylee and her group perform and she felt a smile crawl up her face. Kylee wasn't bluffing when she said they were ready to take the stage, she could find herself actually enjoying their dance... but Kylee was still no match for Lynn and her crew.

"That was great," Simon said as he watched Kylee finish her dance while the others clapped them out.

"I guess they did better than usual," White said with an uninterested shrug as Simon could tell he was more curious in seeing Lynn get her turn. They watched a few others come out to show their choreography as the studio was as lively as ever. It was Sky's turn to dance and White was actually interested to see him go. He stepped into the center as he stood out in his black shirt that had a part of it tucked into his black jean, and his White Nike sneakers. He pulled at his white cap and Lynn could tell he was nervous.

"Isn't he a little too nervous," White said as he looked at Simon who looked even worse.

White shook his head as he gave up on the two but watched either way. The hall went silent again and the music 'Whoopty' picked up. He started slow and neat as the others kept watch, his breaking form slid in and some whistled as his body flowed with the beat. Increasing his movements up a notch, the beat dropped and the hall went crazy as the girls squealed.

"That boy sure did grow up to have a way with the ladies," White said as he felt impressed at the way Sky managed to shake up the hall even when he danced alone. "He seems to have potentials unlike someone I know,"

He glanced over at Simon who returned the look and turned back to look at the studio. A proud feeling of surged through him as the hall resounded the screams and cheering for Sky who rounded up his dance.

Finally, Lynn and four others took the center of the hall as the cheer seemed to be the loudest since the start of practice. She pulled up her hair and fixed it into a ponytail, White straightened and Simon wondered how he'd managed to gather all his concentration immediately. The five of them entered a pose with Lynn in the middle and the hall went silent. The music "me too" played and the hall went on fire as the five of them started with a break of their waist before showing off their exquisite leg moves. White watched silently as an enormous aura of confidence filled Lynn as she moved to the beat. She danced up to Kylee and gave a flawless four round spin before flapping her hair and striking a pose that made the queen in her entrance all. She winked and flashed an attractive smile that twinkled before walking back to the center and giving the final part of their choreography.


"Niccceee!!" The crowd cheered and Lynn smiled.

"I guess you were right. That was better than Kylee's" Simon agreed but White didn't respond, which Simon did kind of expect. White was busy savoring every scene at the moment. Simon noticed the others leave but Lynn stood back as she slowly caught her breath. "Is she having another dance?"

Lynn pulled off the band as her hair fell down on her shoulders. She ran her fingers through it but stopped midway as if something had caught her attention. Suddenly, her gaze shot up and White flinched.

Their eyes just met.

She held her position for a moment before pulling her gaze away and taking a stance at the center.

"That actually scared me," Simon said as the shiver he felt down his spine slowly disappeared. "It felt like she was staring right at you, but that's impossible. We're standing like a mile away,"

It sounded like a confrontation to himself. Moreso, White actually felt his heart skip the moment she looked up, but he knew it was simply a coincidence.

The music that picked up again drew him back to the hall.

"Under the influence".

Her hands trailed over her body as the slow song changed the mood of the hall. Her head swirled to the song and her gaze came back to meet his again. He knew it was simply a coincidence... but he wasn't sure if his inner desires could take such an alluring look. She moved and broke her body to the tune as her waist moved like it had no joints holding it. White drew his right knee up and leaned in with his hand rested on it in as his interest got the best of him. She swirled her body to the tune, went down for a split and threw her head back as some slow raunchy whistles followed in from the crowd. Swinging her legs, she got on her knees and slowly leaned in lower before jerking her head back to expose her neckline. Her eyes dropped as her gaze came back to White again. Simon had always known Lynn had a high rate of appeal but this...this was a whole new level of temptation.

Simon glanced at White who didn't seem to realize his eyes had turned red. Lynn had managed to call his vampire out and Simon knew he had to be wary. White looked stable, but he could never tell when he would move.

"Don't worry, I won't attack anyone." White said like he could read Simon's worry. With his gaze still hungrily fixed, he muttered "Though I'm not sure how long I can last anymore,"

White stared at Lynn as he meant what he had said. Lynn owned her life and she owed it to no one, she could do whatever she wished and have fun. That was the rule he had tried to move with but he wasn't sure he could apply by it anymore. His vampire had crawled up to feast, and his wolf had been itching to let out. Their possessiveness was starting to rub off on him and he didn't know how long he could hold on to his reasoning. He could sniff out how many desires had been picked in the hall and he didn't like it. The next time something happens...he knew he wouldn't be as lenient as previously.

The crowd cheered for Lynn as she rounded up. They went over to her and hugged her excitedly before raising her up. She grinned and laughed at their bizarre reaction but above all, White could smell how happy she was, and he didn't want to take that away from her.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he knew he had to get himself under control. He got up and made his way out as Simon followed suit.

Lynn, who was surrounded by the crowd looked out to the part that kept pulling her in. Something, or someone had called out to her, but she thought she was mistaken. When she started dancing, she oddly couldn't get her mind off it. Something inside her was trying to tell her something but she couldn't get it.

It almost felt like...


The next morning, Lynn got up as her excitement poured out of the lid. It was finally Saturday, and it was the day she was going out with Chris.


"Worth it" by Fifth Harmony.

"Me too" by Megan Trainor.

"Whoopty" by CJ- (Robert Christian remix)

"Under the Influence" by Chris Brown