
Her Vampire Mate

ON HOLD!! Book currently under editing. He has been asleep for centuries only to wake to a different era. His thirst is appalling but the only source of food is his MATE!!! How cruel! It's as good as having nothing. Fate surely loves playing dirty, doesn't it?! As if that isn't enough, a werewolf imprints on her and I'm only supposed to receive half of her love! The audicity of the heavens!! .......................... I saw my mate dressed naked to the brim in Patra pants and a croptop making her way to the door. "Hey, stop right there!" She's not going outside dressed like that! Is she? "What?" She asked with a raised brow. "Where are you going?" "Out." She stated plainly and I knew exactly whom she was going to meet. I noticed she became defiant sometime back but not sure what triggered her... probably that werewolf spoke something behind my back to her? I'll settle my scores with him later,....Main point!!!!. "Dressed like that?" I asked impassively but my insides were yelling. You are naked!!!! That stupid!!! I'm losing my mind now. "So?" She made that annoying face that the werewolf usually wears to piss me off. "Look, I'm like a father to you and I expect you to mind the way you speak back to me." "Father?" she narrowed her eyes at me and I realsied she was pissed. "Father!" she scoffed. "Well, father, this daughter of yours isn't planning to acknowledge you as one. On the contrary, she harbours designs on you...." WHAT!!!!! My mind screamed. When did she become so bold??? THAT MUTT!! "And I'm going to stop at nothing to make you mine. Keep that in mind." She warned and I felt my skin line in goosebumps. Ok! I gulped hard. Internally! I was so not giving her the satisfaction of seeing her effect on me. My fiesty little mate. She was a calm and down to earth butterfly but now....I'm liking the direction of this....' Grin Hello my dear readers.Thanks for sticking by and hopefully you'll support this book to. Give me a chance, I won't let you down. Cover image doesn't belong to me. Credits go to the original owner Lots of love from litto-ways

Litto_ways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 15 Tagged

Good morning guys! Wednesday came in with a heavy down pour with cold winds here in the Pearl of Africa! 😄


Ed looked at the two females emotionlessly, he could see right through their skulls their interests and intentions towards him. He hadn't been planning on entering their minds but, his mate's distress forced him to. Turning the attention to his mate and holding her securely another arm in her small back, he walked away from them and went to take his mate to play.

The two women were left flabagastered at the turn of events but despite having been ignored by the Adonis, they couldn't take their eyes from him. He was a beauty to beckon, one that could bring the world to war for him!

He'd have compelled all those in his vicinity to do his bidding but he wanted this experience to be as natural as possible hence he let the humans ogle at him all they wanted. His main focus now shifted to his mate who seemed pretty much distracted and clinging onto him not letting go! Should we buy cotton candy?" he had learnt that sweet thing was more of a cloud of sugar and females loved it alot!

Clarabelle nodded her head and they walked over to the stall where it was being sold. The vendor paused for a moment to admire his customer's beauty but those unnatural purple eyes made him withdraw his gaze as soon as their eyes locked.

Two cotton candy please!" Clarabelle who had withdrawn from hiding her face from Ed's neck spoke catching Ed off guard. Wasn't she distressed a minute ago? Humans! He shook his head.

You can't have alot of sugars, your teeth won't grow back!" Ed spoke softly taking one of the cotton candy from her tiny hands. "Then you eat it!" Clara said and stuffed her little mouth into the cotton candy. "mmmhhhh!" she exct happily. She had the cotton candy machine back at the castle but it's candy wasn't as tasty! Probably, it's better to have it when out to play with Ed carrying her! She smiled at Ed gleefully and he found himself smiling at her making his face glow which stunned all the people who had been observing them.

Eating cotton candy improved Clara's mood greatly and she was all smiles as she chewed on the sweet cloud. Ed hadn't had his and was just observing his mate with sheer content. Once she was done, she wiggled herself out of his hold. Put me down!" she complained when he wasn't letting her go. I'm not young anymore!" she pouted aggrieved and Ed found himself fighting his laughter.

Really? He was left agahst looking at his small mate.

Mm, nanny told me whenever I eat cotton candy, I grow older!" Clara continued to wiggle herself from his hold. Ed was worried she might trip and fall, or worse, get lost and cry! Not to forget, he had seen some vampires in the vicinity despite their attempts to stay in the shadows and remain descreet. He hadn't shown them that he had spotted them to see what they were up to. But one thing for sure, they weren't going to leave to see the next day if they dare make a move in his mate.

He finally relented when he saw that she was close to tears. He helped her done gently and Clara did a few jumps on her small feet. Yeeee! Let's go play Ed!" she said and grabbed his hand which was thrice bigger than her own and dragged him along. They treated those around them as if they didn't exist which was of advantage to them as they were given passage everywhere they went as people looked at them with disbelief and admiration.

They went and drove the unicorn rides while Ed rode the horse, Clara was super exited as she chripped happily, they had ice-cream, then went haunted house and Clara asked Ed to mess with the scary staff members amking then run out of the haunted house with Clara in tears because of laughter.

Ed smiled despite his senses all directed to one idiot of a vampire that had been in their trail for a while now! All he need was just thirty second to deal with him but....he couldn't leave his mate for even a second because that was all it was needed to take her away! He wasn't taking chances!

He tried to reach for Jes and see if he was in the vicinity. Clara excitedly continued to pull Ed further to more games and rides she wanted to try. Though some were prohibited for her age and she was denied entry, that didn't bring her excitement down in the least bit.

Ed! I'm tired!" she relented after six hyper hours and Ed rushed to carry her over in his arms. Wrapping her small hands around his neck, she looked over his shoulders and her deep blue eyes locked with the Vampire that had been trailing them.

He was caught off guard when the little human's eyes locked with his, she scrutinized him with her deep blue eyes and the vampire felt electrified in his place that he couldnt move. He tilted his head to the side his red eyes flickering with shock and amusement at the same time! This was interesting, his majesty would love to know about this!

However, before he could move, he found it hard to even move a single foot, his entire being was frozen in place. He made more attempts but he failed, again his red eyes looked back at the human in the vampire's arms in terror! It couldn't be her! No, impossible! He thought as he tried to move himself. Clara was still looking at him despite their distance growing far apart, she tilted her head aside with a smirk and the man crumbled down into ashes before the people in the park.

This alarmed the humans making them scream and chaos erupted in the place as they ran away from the scene. The park security rushed over to the place to get the scared people under control and investigate what exactly had happened.

The place had already been crowded thanks to those that posted photos of Ed and his mate at the park. Many had come to see this unearthly beautiful man and so were the paparazzi who took unlimited free photos of the vampire and his mate already making the duo a trending topic on the internet

The other vampires who had still been undercover came out in shock watching their brother turn into ashes despite nothing having happened to him as he had been under their watch. They didn't know who or what had been the cause but they had to rush and report back to their boss.

Ed carried Clara's car seat over to the front seat and sat her there. Buckling up her belt, he walked over to his side of the driver's and drove out of the mall area which also had the amusement park at the back.

Hitting the run way, he drove off, it was already late but since Clara had been feeding on all sorts of junk food, she was stuffed to the brim. They drove in silence and Ed couldn't help looking at his young mate, he had felt her tag at his essence again, he didn't know what she did but she had taken alot form him that he felt slightly drowsy. It couldn't be the effect of her taking his blood. What was it then? He didn't know but he had to find out.


What?!!!" Sarah yelled looking at the huge white patch of white hair strands at the back of Ed's head. She frowned and strolled back to her crystal ball. She looked up at Ed for permission and the vampire nodded, he too wanted to know!

Belinda had her arms crossed over her chest in worry and fear as she tapped her foot in rythm on the floor.

Jes was seated with an indigenous look on his face. He had told Ed alot of times to be careful with his mate, though it had been some years since she fed on his blood, it's effects in her body seemed to still be prominent and this time she had tagged so much! Ed would wither away!

Normally, it was the non vampire mates that would wither away and die since they couldn't sustain their mate's thirst but this was so far different and it wasn't fun! What was the little human doing?

Here!" Sarah's voice rang out and all in the room surrounded her.

It begun here!" she pointed and the vampires focused their attention into the crystal ball until they were able to see.

Before they even got out of the car, Clara's blue eyes had snapped to the direction of the vampires who were in hiding. She knew what they were judging from the look in her face but she ignored them. They went about their day and now, the events of the day slowed down in the crystal ball whenever something unnatural was taking place. Clara saw that the vampires had their eyes on them all the time, this time she was in Ed's arms as they left the ice-cream stall. Her irises flashed a purple glint making the vampires and Sarah inclusive go cold!

What was that?" Jes asked in disbelief yet he couldn't put out the fact that it was true, Clara's eyes had flashed with Ed's eye colour! What did that mean.

The events continued to play and it was at the time they were heading to their car when Clarabelle's eyes locked in the vampire that had started to stalk them all the way from the haunted house. The vampire noticed that he had been seen and was observing the human girl but his warning bells went off way to Late as Clara had put him into a state where he couldn't move even a single fibre in his body. Fear flashed in the vampire's red eyes and the next thing was Clara smirking at the vampire as he crumbled down into burned ashes. Ed's hair at that moment shifted to a pale white instantly.

What the hell is going in?" Belinda whispered.

I don't know...I don't get it! She's small....it's impossible to possess such power!" Sarah shook her head as she tried to think of the possible reason for these happenings!