

"Mercy are the papers that I asked for ready?" Mrs Lina asked her assistant who was seated at the front seat with the driver in her Mercedes Benz. " Yes I have it with me now, here they are you can have a look." She said handing her the documents it was the divorce papers. She was finally going to set herself free from the shackles of that indifferent man forever. If she could go back in time she would never had married him, she hated that he had to make her first love his worst enemy, he had to become his greatest regret. She even resented herself for this, she always wondered where he took the man she fell in love with.

They grew apart from each other without their knowledge, they are like two different weathers. "We have arrived." She was disrupted from her long train of thought by her assistant. She gracefully climbed down the car to the company, there seemed to be chaos going on in the company which was strange for the Scott she knew would never let any of these happen. He would use any means possible to control his people.

No one was being allowed in or out of the building she used the private doors which was only accessible for the Davis family. On her way in she could hear the gossips from the worker who were all over the place on how his son Calmon had stormed into the office. That news alone was enough to alert her, she already smelled trouble and disaster. Cal was always calm like his name suggests and if it's true he was angry something was very wrong.

Her assistant quickly searched the internet and didn't take long to get the short video of the fist fight, for it was the number one search on the website at the moment among the netizens. She showed Lina the video and she cursed annoyingly at the revelation. "Fucking assholes" this startled everyone who heard her but she didn't even seem to care. " Go find Richard and make sure to bring down that video now!!" She ordered her her assistant and stormed towards the office like an angry tigress. All that could be heard was the clicking of heels and everyone zipped their mouths and gave way.

In the office no one had the guts to dare and intervene between the father and son duo fight. The shareholders were in distress for the fight might have a bad impact on their company and lead to dropping of the stock market. All the while Richard was busy dealing with the media and had ordered the security team to not dare intervene in the fight and let them solve their issues alone. They guarded the door not allowing anyone to enter even if they would end up killing each other in there. They were not allowed to get involved or allow anyone else in there.

The shareholders were releaved to see miss Davis approaching and rushed to suck up to her. But she ignored them and headed straight to the office but the bodyguards blocked her path not allowing her to pass. " What are you doing? I said make way now!!." She said imposing aggressively. " I'm sorry mum but it was a direct order to not let anyone in," one of the guards who seemed to be the leader said. " You look new and don't seem to understand the protocols on how things work here." She pointed out angrily. "We started this week mum" he answered politely seemingly noticing that she is the bosses wife. " I won't repeat myself again to any of you, so you better get away from my damn path or after all these is over I'll have to get your heads to compensate for the the damage of disrespect to subside my anger and believe me I'm not bluffing so you better get my word for this. You can't even do your first task well in identifying the Davis family members." She said threateningly and they immediately cleared a path for her and bowed their heads apologisingly.

She opened the door and found Cal throwing one punch after another to his father who was already bleeding profusely. She went ahead to separate them from each other and stop the blood bath. But she remained stranded by Cal's words, all the scoldings that she had already planned on giving them were all dissipated. She couldn't even bringing her self to take one more step, she stood there dumbfounded not able to move or say a thing. Her lips kept parting and closing without a word coming out of any of them. She could only swallow all her words.

Indeed Cal was right they are always consumed in their own conflicts and selfish desires. Always chasing their own dreams and never considered how it all affected Val. They never took interest in her opinions at all or welfare. Yet she never complained or retaliated towards them. And here she selfishly claimed to be having it the hardest. She scolded herself for always assume she was okay and never taking interest in her desires. Her heart ached for her, she grew up in the same environment and resented everyone for this and now she let her only daughter go through the same thing. They were so busy fighting and competing against each other yet forgetting all that mattered.

She felt ashamed of calling herself a mother at all, she had no idea of what she was doing all along. Here she was desperately trying to prove that she was the victim. While the truth could be seen miles away with naked eyes. She was no different from him at all, they were both the same and she was only convincing herself all along. Hiding from her mistakes and failures.