

There was a teacher in the classroom and she asked her to introduce herself to the whole class.

" I'm Valina and I'm glad to be joining you guys." Everyone was staring at her and were whispering among themselves.

"Only Valina? What about a sir name your previous school and hobbies or talent?" The teacher asked her.

" Well it's only Valina or Val for short form, I have been home schooling and I like science and singing." She answered which earned her some laughs from the students. The sir name is always used to determine someone's social status in the school. It was strange that she didn't have one and was also admitted after the intake of students was over.

The class monitor directed her to her seat near the window which was already prepared. The class continued until it was assembly time, everyone lazily walked out the class.

"Hi am Ray Andrew like the sunlight Ray," a girl approached her smiling and extended her hands for a handshake. "Hi too I'm Valina but you can call me Val, nice to meet you." She responded while returning the handshake.

"We should get going I bet you don't want to be late for the assembly and receive a punishment on your first day." Ray said slightly tilting her head to the side ways.

"Sure!! Let's get going." Val said following her across the hallways, where every student was heading.

Ray had a slim body with a short trimmed black hair not past her shoulders, she had black obsidian eyes with long eyelashes and pink Cherry lips. She had a glowing skin, her skirt seemed a little bit shorter than everyone else's exposing her slender long legs. She had no make up on and seemed to be the jovial type.

They arrived at the assembly and every class was lined up horizontally starting with the lowest class at the front to the senior and the ones who seemed like the students committee who had different attires stood at the sides. She ended up at the front row and the assembly started after everyone was settled down. The flag was raised and the announcement were pronounced. Different issues were address starting from the prefects, school president to the stuff and finally the principal. Who had curiously stared at her for a second.

After assembly everyone headed back to their respective classes. The teachers gave their lessons after an interval of one and a half hours each. Soon after it was lunchtime and Ray showed her around while they headed to the dinning hall.

Many different delicacies were prepared and every student gets to choose any dish as long as they could afford it. Some dishes caught her attention and she went ahead to order them but Ray stopped her.

" What are you doing those are the most expensive dishes here and no one can afford them except the school queen and some of her friends. You'll become the laughing stalk if you end up not being able to pay for them and make a fool out of yourself." She said in a low warning tone.

" I think I'll manage to pay for them," she said as she joined the line. Ray only looked at her with pity and also joined the line. Suddenly a group of girls entered the dinning hall and everyone gave way for them as they stared with admiration. They didn't even join the que, they just went ahead and gave their orders. They looked like seniors to her, "who are they? Why did they cut in line a....."

Her mouth was completely covered with Ray's palm not allowing any other single word out of her mouth. "Shhhh!! Do you want to make your life a living hell in school. The taller one is the school queen and that's her squad, I promise you don't want to mess with them and get on their bad side. She is the only princess of the Wilson's family." She narrated to Val as if she was talking about a legend.

"So what if she is a Wilson?" Val asked innocently and Ray gasped in return as if in shock.

" Don't tell me you don't know about the Wilson's!!" Valina only shrugged her shoulders indicating she had no idea at all. "What world do you live in girl? She is Rosie Wilson the daughter of the president of our republic rumors has it that she is pampered the most being the only girl in her family."

Val looked keenly at the so called Rosie as she somehow recalled the name. She suddenly remembered her it was the girl they had crossed paths with. When she was with Cal while she came to the school for the first time. She just hoped she doesn't recognize her and stir up trouble, so she decided to avoid her with every means possible.

It was finally their turn to be served and she ordered the first class meal and also asked Ray to order some for herself. Even though she was reluctant for a while she still ordered, the waiter first looked at them from head to toes at the mention of the the first course meal. Thinking that they were just the newbies who didn't know what they were doing as even Val's face wasn't familiar. She scolded them loudly and even asked them thrice for their order.

Ray was busy hidding her face in shame as everyone in the hall had already started making fun of them. " Your credit card," the waitress asked rudely but Val didn't mind and pulled out a golden credit card. Which had everyone looking at her in awe.