
Her storm Her smile

This is the tale of a beautiful young woman who is rendered an orphan at an early age forcing her to the difficult struggles in life all by herself .a once beautiful young woman is now tattered and Haggard her beauty fades away leaving her name a lie.will she regain her beauty and smile again? let's keep reading and find out what happens next.

Favour_Obinna_8363 · Adolescente
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4 Chs

001 scary night

It was a cold and lonely night it was raining very heavily,mom and dad had gone away for a business trip it was just I and Sam my little brother ,we were home alone.The lightning so scary and thunder stucks powerfully roaring like an angry monster.sam was already at sleep I was the only one awake,I wrapped myself up in fear,the night was so long and scary,the lightnings and thunder were my only companion I was so scared but i managed to sleep.when I woke up in d morning I washed up and went to check on sam.sam was still asleep.i went downstairs to the dining mum and dad was not there so I went to check on them in their room .I knocked severally but there was no reply,knocked again still no reply.creekk... the door opened then I realized the door was open all this while."mum..dad"" I called out while forcing myself into the room.nobody!! I was surprised "mum and dad didn't come home last night?" I said to myself.

"This memory still remains fresh in my head like it happened yesterday"

(The narrator "Beauty "stops narrating the story as the story continues)