
The rebuilding of the white walls..

She was lost. She didn't know how to let it out. The excruciating pain that was crushing her heart. She went on auto pilot mode for days. She couldn't cry. She couldn't accept it. Every day after college she would come back and check her stranger's wife's profile. Like expecting that photo to go away. To undo it. It became like an obsession. But she saw more and more of their pictures. Of him holding her, of them laughing together. Of him being in love with his wife. The Happy memories Diya wanted to create with him, they belonged to another woman. She couldn't be in denial anymore. She has lost him and it's the truth. She didn't know how to handle her pain. She didn't know how to make the pain stop. She wanted it to stop. She wanted it to go away. She started hurting herself physically. Because she didn't know how to handle her emotional pain. She tried to distract herself from the emotional pain with her physical pain. She would hit Herself. Pull her hair out. Muffle her cries in the middle of the night. She couldn't share it with anyone. She couldn't let her roommates see it. Over the months she slowly withdrew into herself. She rebuilt those walls, that she had lowered for him, around her heart again. She went back into her cocoon. She tried to push through her college days. The first year in college turned her into an introvert again. She somehow tried to clear all her exams. Because otherwise her grandma would be disappointed again. She cleared her exams even though grandma wasn't happy with her grades. She never went home because she wasn't ready to go and see where she had dreamt about a life with her stranger.

'Ms. Diya. It's time for your doctor's consultation.' The nurse called from outside her door waking her up from the memories. She closed her diary and went and opened the door. 'Yes Ms.Sheila. I will just freshen up and be out in 5 minutes' Sheila was the caretaker nurse assigned to her. A kind woman in her 40s. Sheila smiled at her and said 'Ok Diya. will wait here for you '. Diya smiled at Sheila and quickly freshened up and went to the doctor's room with Sheila.