
Elizabeth point of view

Running away isn't as easy as i thought, they follow me everywhere.I have to go North, that is the only place where they have no control and influence.

I would rather go to enemies and beg them for mercy than staying with them for a minute.

After miles of running i am finally here,

North really is cold but at least it's safe.

Luckily i got in with group of guests from east but now i have nowhere to go.

It's been 9h since i am here and there is no sign of finding place to stay!

Are my eyes lying to me?? A noble omega lady looking for maid!! Luck is on my side this time, i have to go for it. Maid or not at least i will have where to sleep and eat!

I got in!! Finally i have place to stay and the lady is really nice. After interviewing me for a minute she took me in.What a miracle!

The morning has come and it's my first day of work i hope it will go well.

Before going to my lady's room other maids explained to me that her name is Emily and she is from the second highest family in North, she is the only omega from the house of alphas so she isn't treated nice. But for their image they have to act nice.

I was really furious!!! How can they treat her like an outcast when she is this pretty and kind.There is something wrong with those people!

After hour or two of explainings from the other maids i finally went to see Emily and i carefully woke her up.

"Hello my lady, please wake up.It's time for breakfast".

" Ohh, you are my new maid right?" Emily asked.

"Yes my lady, I came for the interview yesterday".

"Ok, help me dress up" Emily said.

Then i helped her with dressing and she went down for breakfast. There ware her parents and Emily's brother Ian, by looking at him i can tell he is a disgusting proud alpha and he thinks that everythink is going around him.

After eating she introduced me to them as her new personal maid.

From their disgusting eyes i could see that they looked down upon me thinking that i am beta, but i can't revail that i am alpha, that will bring me more danger!

After that i helped Emily with some books at the library and cleaned her room,

then we talked for a little in her room just some usual stuff, in the evening she had dinner with her family and later on went to bed.

After a month of repeating the same thing I did on the first day, one evening Emily finally opened up to me!

" After a month I can say that you are really wonderful person so i want to trust you" Emily said.

" I am always here for you my lady, you can trust me".

After that she opend up to me and she told me how her brother and others treat her and how she can't wait to get out of this house, after a long talk she finally fell asleep.

I am very sorry for her situation but at least there is still hope for her while my hope is already dead.