
Chapter 20


I'm standing there looking at Becca, waiting for her to say something. She is just glaring at me. "Is there something you wanted to say because I would like to go to bed so can you please hurry up." I said getting impatient. "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from my man, we are having a baby and it's pathetic how you keep throwing yourself at him like some desperate whore! She yelled. I started laughing at her. She is funny. "Baby girl, I don't chase after no man. If you have a problem with your man paying attention to me, why don't you go talk to him." I said then started to walk away. She grabbed my arm and pushed me into the counter. I shook my head at her. "Why are you so threatened by me? I mean if your relationship is as solid as you say, then you shouldn't have to worry about me." I said laughing at her again. I know it really irritates her when I do. I just can't help myself. I'm trying to stay calm. Just the sight of her makes my blood boil and I hate the fact that she has what I want but I'll be damned if I ever let her know it.

She stepped closer to me, she was about to say something but stopped. You can see her sniff me. "Why the fuck do you smell like him!" She yelled. She is fuming. Her eyes turned black. That little vein on her forehead is sticking out.  I smiled at her. The next thing I know, I felt a stinging pain across my cheek. She raised her hand to hit me again but this time I'm ready for it and blocked it. I caught her off guard. She didn't expect that. She grabbed my shirt trying to pull me closer to her, in the process she exposed the huge dark hickey on my breast. This set her off. She started swinging with both hands. I blocked most of them but a few made contact with my face and chest. I can taste the blood on my lip.

I'm trying really hard not to hit her back because she is pregnant. No matter how much I hate her, I wish no harm to come to that baby but she is making it really hard. She grabbed my hair and slung me across the kitchen. Fuck this! I punched her face. The blood gushed from her nose. She screamed. Still holding my hair, we exchanged punches. For her being a werewolve, I feel like I'm holding my own pretty damn good.

I can feel her trying to grab my neck. I'm trying my best to keep her off me. Both of us slam into the counter, knocking off the dishes that were stacked on the dry rack to the floor making a loud crashing sound.  With all I had in me, I swung. I landed it again to her nose but this time I know I broke it. Hearing the crunching sound, I saw her body fall back.

Before she could hit the floor, Jake came out of no where and grabbed her. Emily and Thomas came rushing over. "That crazy bitch attacked me!" She screamed and started crying. "Are you kidding me! You are a crazy lying bitch, i tried to walk away and you wouldn't let me! You swung several times before I hit you back!" I yelled back at her.

Emily walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder and told me it was ok.

"Becca go to your room, I will send the doctor to check you out." Emily said. She huffed but walked away. Because she was not marked yet by Jaxson, she had to obey Emily's command.

I turned towards the sink, I grabbed a rag and got it wet, wiping the blood off my face.

"Are you ok?" Emily asked. I turned around and they were all looking at me.  I nodded my head. "What happened?" She asked and I told her. You could see she was angry. "We have to get you cleaned up, she scratched your neck pretty bad." She said. I sat on the couch while she cleaned up my face, neck and chest. The scratches stung like hell. I can't only imagine what I'm going to look like tomorrow.

"Well I must say, for a human, you kicked her ass!" Jake said and everyone burst out laughing. I asked where Jessica was and Emily told me that her and Jaxson left together. I wonder how that is going.

After saying good night to everyone, I went to my room. Getting into bed, I fell asleep faster then I thought I would.

The next morning I woke up and my body ached. Remembering what happened last night, I didn't want to get out of bed. I look over across the room and noticed Jessica is balled up asleep in the chair. As I inched to the edge of the bed, Jess woke up. The look of guilt was all over her face.

"Good morning." I said. "Good morning to you too. How are you feeling? I heard what happened." She said. "I'm ok." I replied. I got up and stood in front of the mirror. Holy hell, I look like shit.

My lip was busted, I had a huge bruise along my jawline and a scratch along my cheekbone. Then I saw my neck, I had several scratches, some deeper and longer then the others. I had dark bruises everywhere. Tears filled my eyes. I was so angry that I couldn't even defend myself properly because of her pregnancy. I just want to crawl back in bed and hide from the world.

"Alessia you have nothing to be ashamed of. Jake saw what happened but by the time he got to you, the damage had been done. I also heard that despite you being careful, you kicked her ass. That's my girl!" She said with a smile.

We both got quiet. It was very awkward.  "We need to talk about my brother. I heard you yelling at him. He told me everything afterwards. I am so pissed at him for what he did." She said. I dropped my head and put my hands over my face. "Jess, please I don't want to talk about him right now. I will soon but not right now." I pleaded. She nodded her head. She came and sat next to me, giving me a tight hug. "We will get through this together. I'm always here for you." She whispered. I started crying.

Who knows how long I stayed in her arms but we eventually got up. I took a shower, got dressed and we went downstairs together. She held my hand.

Waking into the dining room, the first person I noticed was him.