
Her name is Alice

Alice Ruby was a Princess who resides in Wonderland peacefully, a wonderland is a place for in-born magicians and witches. Her everyday life is normal until her mother decided to make her marry a Prince that lives in east-faction in their kingdom because of the Power and Rank, although Alice doesn't want to get married off. She can't do anything but one of her Faerie friends suggested that if she doesn't want to get married, then the only solution for it is to go where the Wicked-Magician is. Alice went to the wicked witch of the west to make a selfish wish. By then, A cat-human named Chesire Cat faced her and eligibly ministering to Alice's decision who wants to leave the wonderland but to do that, Chesire needs to devour Alice's magical power. In their kingdom, magic is the most important thing in their life. If they lost their magic, they will get exiled in the Human-realm. Alice agreed just to escape from her future husband, and because of that. Chesire and Alice formed a contract that shouldn't able to be broken for eternity. (This story was inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland.)

Lykoris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI: Alice met the King

The Kingdom of the Calaris was luxurious and dreamy, protected by wind magic. Calaris is the second biggest kingdom in the land of Elysian.

They are planning to celebrate the Dowager Queen's birthday. The palace is busy and even the officials have to take a break from their political problems.

The King which goes by the name, King Weiss Autry. Currently the Ruler of the Calaris. Their kingdom is called the Wind of freedom which is very popular in other Kingdom.

Although there are demi-humans who share the land with the humans, they are isolated. They are living on the outskirts of the kingdom where no human can see them.

Humans in this Kingdom have possessed magic. Knowledge led them to succeed in the forbidden conjure. If you can still remember, only the wonderlings (People in wonderland) are able to wield such power. They are born with it, however, in the land of Elysian. They have the skill to learn how to learn magic although this knowledge is forbidden for the lowborn such as slaves and demi-humans.

Back to the main event, the Kingdom will celebrate the Dowager's Queen. Every one of the Kingdom's servants is preparing for this important event. Although, the King is secretly out in the capital.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't you be in the castle preparing like what other nobles do?" Liam, who is the trusted right hand of the King, commented.

"There is nothing to prepare. You know that we don't get well. Just let them celebrate whatever they want. I'll go back when I feel like it."

They aren't on good terms. The Dowager Queen is the mother of the late king, she lost her son shortly after it was proclaimed as a King. All the anger of the Queen was blamed on the current King that is why she is trying to control him.

In the distance, King Weiss has heard someone talking about some serious matter.

"Eh? What are you saying that your mother was taken by the royal guards?" It was Alice who was talking with a young girl. Alice is still looking for the cat Cheshire until now, she isn't with Syaoran today due to some urgent matter.

"Yes, Sister. My mother was taken by the knight! My mother didn't do anything bad but she was still taken… my father was in prison, I am the only one who will take care of my siblings… but I don't have money to buy them food… So, I had to steal…"

Based on how the young girl explained the situation. Her parents were taken due to some serious reason. Though the young girl needed to be brought to the Bureau of Police, Alice paid for the food that the young girl stole.

"Let's see… Why did they take your mother? Do you know why they have taken her?" She asked. They kept on whining at her.

"We were sold by our master. But we hide, and that is a serious crime for us lowborn."

King Weiss stepped closer to the scene where Alice is. "Here, I found you again."

The King was very familiar with Alice since he already saw her more than a few times.

"Y-you!" Alice shrugged when she saw the guy. The atmosphere became calm when the King arrived at the place.

"Me? Oh, me! It's me again… aren't I? Hahaha!" the King snickered out of the blue as for Alice she only found it ridiculous in some aspect. Although she can't help but smile in front of him.

"How come we always run to each other?" Weiss exulted.

"Yeah… I wonder why? Ehehehe."

The place became lighter as the people passed by. It seems any normal day for everyone however, for the three people gathered it is a hectic day.

"So… what do we get here? Why is this pretty young girl crying?"

Alice thought of saying the matter to the man but she also doubted. She then asked for his name at first and what he was doing in the place where she is.

"What are you doing here? And if you are asking my name…"

The King somehow made a peek at Liam beside him, trying to figure out if he's going to say his real name or not.

"Your name is?" Alice is duly waiting for his reply.

"Liam! You can call me Liam. And the reason I was here because I am secretly investigating some illegal matters. You, you seem everywhere. What are you doing here? And that collar!"

The King lied as he pointed his hand to the collar attached to Alice's neck. "Kid. Where did you get that? Are you a slave? If I remember, you weren't wearing that collar before."

The girl shook her head angrily. "There's no way I would be a slave in this place! I got it from the black circus because I was rescuing someone."

"Eh?" the King seemed to be surprised from what he heard. "You were there too. You rascal! You could have died. Why are you getting involved in a lot of troubles? Tsk tsk."

"Uh-uh, you saw my sword fight before. You are very knowledgeable about my skill. Although I'm having a problem with this collar. I can't do anything with this." Alice touched the collar sadly. As for the King, he only sighed and waved his hand disappointedly.

"Why in the world would you come to that place to save someone. You could just tell the knights or the patrols in this place."

The King wondered, turning his attention to another direction. "I don't know this place. I don't know where I will seek help." Alice mumbled sadly.

"Ehem!" he cleared his throat, trying to stare at Alice with sympathy. "Listen here. If you don't have anyone to help you. Then go to the Knights, I am in-charge there. You can always find me in that place. All you need to do is to report to me, understood?"

"Your Majes---" Liam chimed in yet he wasn't able to complete his words because of the King's glares.

"Really? Okay, I will do that from now on. Sir… Liam?" Alice said with confusion. "Yes, yes. You can call me that… Ahahaha." for the King, he is rather grateful from what he was hearing from the girl that he can't stop laughing.

Liam only held his head because of the headache that the King is giving to him.

"Anyways, we need to help this child. Her mother is being held by the Kingdom's knight. She has siblings to take care of but they don't have anything to buy food."

Reverting to the main topic. They focused themselves on the girl who was seeking help in the middle of the crowds.

As the King nodded, he was very aware of the matters. He overheard their conversation before.

"Please help me, Mister knight. My mother was brought to prison. We don't want to escape from our master, however. Our master is abusing us, he also said we're nothing but a burden. He decided to sell us in prostitution but my mother rejected that. We had to escape and hide but the knights found us and took my mother."

The girl explained. She started whining again but the King tapped her shoulder and he assured her. "Don't worry, I will take your mother out of the prison. And where is your father?"

"My father is also in prison. He was taken there because he fought back against the noble who is beating my sibling."

The King was very surprised by the child's words. This case was rather new for him and if it weren't for Alice, he would never acknowledge it. "What? How cruel."

The King sighed in disappointment. He thought that the rules in his Kingdom were going smoothly yet there are a lot of flaws inside.

"Very well. We're going to take back your parents," he said with assurance.

"Really! Thank you, Sir! Thank you…!!!" the young girl started crying. She was so overwhelmed by the help she received from the two of them.

The King then whispered to his loyal Knight beside him.

"Send a word to the Bureau of Police. I will pay them a visit today." Liam nodded.

Liam suddenly vanished out of the blue. The King decided to bring Alice and the young girl to the nearest restaurant for a while to take some time for the preparation for the later's event.

"In the meantime. Let's eat first. I'm sure that the two of you are starving."

When they entered a restaurant, a lot of thugs were making a scene inside. Drunkards and some indecent people are in that place. Making huge chaos at the place. He thought of picking another restaurant and yet when he saw how happy the little girl's expression was, he couldn't pull out.

Then someone approached them. "We would like to have a private room." the King said elegantly.

The servant of that place nodded obediently. He took them to the second floor of the restaurant where fewer people can be seen.

"I will now take your order if I may." and this servant started asking based on the food they would like to try.

"Mister. Can you order some more food? I'm worried about my siblings, they haven't eaten anything." the girl politely requested.

"Sure… sure. Listen…." the King whispered to the servant. "Everything that little girl picks, makes it triple. Understood?" as the servant acknowledged the King's word. Everything went well.

"What are you going to order…?" the king shifted his attention to Alice.

"I'm not familiar with the foods here," Alice commented, looking silly at the menu book.

"Then why not choose this."

The King suggested food for Alice and everything went well.

To be continued...