
Her name is Alice

Alice Ruby was a Princess who resides in Wonderland peacefully, a wonderland is a place for in-born magicians and witches. Her everyday life is normal until her mother decided to make her marry a Prince that lives in east-faction in their kingdom because of the Power and Rank, although Alice doesn't want to get married off. She can't do anything but one of her Faerie friends suggested that if she doesn't want to get married, then the only solution for it is to go where the Wicked-Magician is. Alice went to the wicked witch of the west to make a selfish wish. By then, A cat-human named Chesire Cat faced her and eligibly ministering to Alice's decision who wants to leave the wonderland but to do that, Chesire needs to devour Alice's magical power. In their kingdom, magic is the most important thing in their life. If they lost their magic, they will get exiled in the Human-realm. Alice agreed just to escape from her future husband, and because of that. Chesire and Alice formed a contract that shouldn't able to be broken for eternity. (This story was inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland.)

Lykoris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter CI

Her name is Alice

Second Volume


They went to the city where the little girl lives, she told them about the city where it was not quite near to where their exact destination is. 

They left the island, they freed the pirates. Now, they are roaming in the humble city of Shieng. 

"Uwaah!" Alice was very amazed when she saw the magnificently decorated streets. 

"You are lucky. Today is the lantern festival. We celebrate it yearly, people here are focused on thanking the gods who bestowed the blessings to this realm." The little girl explained. 

"I see, then I think we got some time to stay here for a while. So much trouble has already occurred. I haven't really been on the kind of vacation that I truly want." Sage was nodding while they were walking to the girl's house.