

It was already a bit late in the day. The same day they were going to ambush those people. It would all come to an end soon.

She would no longer have to hide. Jasmine was excited for what was to come. Nonetheless, she was currently excited for another reason.

Her man's flight would be landing in ten minutes. As she waited outside the airport for him, she looked around the place.

Dressed in a long black coat and a black cap, her features were hidden from direct views of the cameras.

As her gaze scanned the area, she noticed something suspicious. Not far from where she stood, there were four black vehicles all guarded by bodyguards.

From the look of things, it appeared normal. Only that, this wasn't the parking for VIPS. Why then were there so many cars here?

She shrugged it off waiting patiently for Jayden. He must be in a bad mood. She had appeared to surprise him.