
Guilty conscious

Leonardo sat beside his wife, his shaking hand holding hers. While he couldn't cry outside, beside her, his tears fell freely. He couldn't help it.

She was his heroine. Every single title he had was because of her. She made him a husband and upgraded him to a father.

She became his constant in a world where nothing was certain. His wife was his everything matter what the doctor said to make them feel better, the guilt still hung heavily in his chest.

He was guilty of not loving her enough. He should have done more. He should have given her more of his time. Maybe then, she would trust him with her health and stress.

Nothing could rid him of the guilt. At least now, his son was ready to take over. He could give her every bit of his attention that he deprived her of for years.

He just prayed for her health to get better. It was only at night that he left her side. Since she would be sleeping for a while, he needed to get back home and wash up.