

Zane didn't mind Levi's lifestyle. He assumed that his secretive nature came from the line of work he was involved in. Being a public figure, every aspect of his life was scrutinized. 

Perhaps it was this knowledge that made him respect Levi. That was until his cousin visited him one night, drunk and sobbing. 

Sabina. She was a nurse working in a private hospital that caters to the needs of the rich. She also happened to be the family doctor that worked for Levi's family.

At first, he paid little attention to her rant. But when she mentioned Levi's name, his interest was piqued. She spoke about all the assaults he was facing at the hands of his father.

Zane learns about Levi's relationship with his family through his cousin. Despite how angry he felt after every word she spoke, he brought her more alcohol and asked more questions.