
The Misunderstandings

The next morning at Gray mansion .

Y/n woke up puzzled . She realized that it was already the next morning and by the time she remembered what happened to their first date yesterday, she bit her lip and her brain started to turn like a spinning wheel .

'My God, what have I done?'

She held her head and tugged her own hair as if she's a business woman who just lost her company due to overnight bankruptcy . She could only say,

'my life is over' .

"Is your head hurt?"

Jin's voice was like a cold wind abruptly enveloping y/n 's consciousness . She was so frightened that she suddenly grabbed the blanket and covered herself .

"N-no-nope, I'm fine," she replied with a hoarse voice .

Jin's eyes behind his mask narrowed upon seeing the girl's reaction . However, he moved towards her and he sat at the bed while facing her .

"You fainted yesterday . The doctor said, you're phasmophobic . Is it true?"

(Phasmophobic : fear of ghosts. )

Y/n was still tense but Jin's words somehow felt gentle making her slowly put the blanket down while peaking at him like a cat . And after a short while, she nodded.

"Then why did you still entered the house?"

"B-because you like horrors?"

"Who said I like horrors?"

"Huh? But aren't you the one who chose..." y/n couldn't continue her statement . It was because she realized that it wasn't him who dragged her there, it was her who dragged him . Wait, was it all just misunderstanding?

Y/n couldn't believe herself and she bit her lip again . At that same moment, just by looking at her, Jin could already tell that she must have misunderstood him .

"Sorry," she said as she stared at him, fidgeting like a cute shy little kid .

"For what?"

"Because our first date is a mess,"

"It's not your fault," he firmly said and then he lifted his elegant and long arm towards her .

He then landed his palm gently in her head and caress her hair, making y/n instantly stunned intensely and speechless . That short moment seemed too long and she felt like all her frozen nerves were melted like a chocolate under the bright sun . W-what's going on?


Upon leaving y/n's room, Jin's gentle aura instantly turned unbelievably cold as his gaze fell towards NamJoon.

"What happened to those people who abused her?"

"Hmm... well, they're all shamelessly currently living in that mansion until now . "

"Destroy them . "

Jin's words was tyrannical as usual, giving no room for NamJoon to even speak his mind . However, as expected, Jin's decision was the same as his so he abruptly answered him with an evil smile, telling him that he already did .

"But how about the house? I found out, she doesn't wish to go back there ever again . " Namjoon said while his gaze was scrutinizing Jin's expression .

However, Jin just replied a short "get it" without showing any emotion at all . Making Namjoon a bit disappointed . But still, he was intrigued about Jin's current mood .

"Anyway, Jin... You're obviously looking mad since yesterday . Why are you mad? Is it because your precious first date with your wife turned out chaotic? Is it because, she ripped your shirt and made you look amazingly miserable for the first time in your life? Is it because your cute bunny mask suffered the same fate as you? Is it---,"

"Shut up . "

"Haha . Yeah, yeah . I got it . But I personally think that you're mad because of her, right? You're concerned about th---,"

"Get out . Now . "

"Yes, yes . I'm leaving, I'm leaving . Why can't you be soft to me for once?"

Y/n was left out dazed on her bed . She didn't expect him to show her such kind gesture at all . All she felt at that very moment was an overwhelmingly warm and indescribable feeling . A feeling that made her unconsciously clenched her fist tight . A feeling that was new and unknown to her .

However, right after Jin shut the door, the first thing she did was jumped out of her bed and grabbed her notebook . Her eyes suddenly glittered in excitement . She could only think at that time that it's finally working . Finally, he showed her a good development .

At last, he showed her a sign that everything she's doing wasn't all futile and useless . That simple gesture he did was like a magical vitamin that boosted her motivation to the highest level .

While scanning her notebook, all she could think was to move forward right away.  Gladly, step number nine seemed to be a great choice .

'Step 09:  Cook for him'

Y/n remembered, what Diya said; 'giving someone handmade things or homemade food will instantly make a man feel he is special and that will be a huge step forward . '

Well, she herself agrees . Food is one of the greatest temptation any human can resist, right?

She then lifted her arm sanguinely and clenched her fist tight as if she just raised a sword in the middle of her minions .

Okay! Let's do this!


Namjoon, now disguised as Mr . Min was quietly staring at the cute white creature asking him for information in a way that it was as if he was Jin's mother .

What does this girl think of me? Don't I originally look like a body guard? When did I became a mother in her eyes?

"Please, tell me, please . " The girl pleaded him now looking like a little child asking favor from her dad .

Now I'm a dad, haha, this is amazing .

"Eherm! Young miss, why don't you just go ask him directly?" he finally replied .

"I did, but he said 'none' . "

"Ohh... I see," Namjoon already expected Jin to answer her that way, and he could only facepalm himself in his mind . It was because he knew that Jin was the type who's just eating solely to survive . He's a freaking stone who will never crave for food .

"Young miss, i suggest that you will just cook your favorite food instead . Jin, I mean the young master isn't picky but he's not also very fond of food, that's why he doesn't really have any particular food he favored . Don't worry, I'm sure he will like anything you'll serve him . "

"I-is that so?"

Y/n can't believe what she heard . She was shocked to know that Jin wasn't fond of food as well but she could only pout in disappointment . She knew that Jin wasn't a man who can be easily pleased to begin with . But she's still surprised because even the supposed to be absolute and majestic food seemed powerless against him .

Ahh, this is tough . Is there really nothing that this man likes? Food is supposed to be lethal, right?

Meanwhile, Namjoon right across her was looking amused while watching y/n's every change in expression . She looks like her 120% energy a while ago suddenly drained to 75% upon hearing what he said . And yet it seems like the words 'giving up' wasn't in her vocabulary at all . Her eyes were still burning, almost telling him that she will still do it no matter what the result .

This girl . Who would still be motivated to continue the battle 'till the end when victory is already in the hand of others?

Namjoon could only smile mischievously and root for her.

Good, the perfect woman for that frozen stone should have a will of an immovable rock mountain . Hmm, I wonder who'll win, the stone? Or the rock? Dear myself, how about we have a bet?