
Her Majesty: The Slave's Master

From nothing, he clawed his way to the pinnacle of power, becoming the kingdom’s supreme ruler. Yet, despite his triumphs, he could never possess Zarniya, his Queen. Consumed by desire, he realized that if he couldn't claim her, she had to own him. With burning intensity, he vowed to become Zarniya's one and only slave. --- Daily Update 9:00 AM

RAN_BARBASA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 12: Master's Slave

Zarniya couldn't breathe.


He was thirsty and aggressively drinking her. 


She wanted to escape.


He seemed to know what she was going to do, so he grabbed her hands and placed them above her head, both of her hands were trapped by his single huge hand.


Zarniya never felt so vulnerable and confused, this was the third kiss they shared. The first was aggressive and the emotion was excitement and anger. The second was pure and clumsy, and forcefully toned down.

Turned out that he held back in that second kiss too much, so the third kiss was unrestrained as if he finally could not fool himself. He was not angry, there was no harsh biting, but this felt more passionate and fierier.


There were seconds where he would take pause, to breathe. But then, he would do it again. 


She desperately told him to stop whenever she could but all that was heard was her muffled moans.


Mouths were interlocked, Zarniya did not know what to do, she chose to function as a stone and let him get over it. Who knew that Messiah would not get discouraged at her bland response but insist on exchanging saliva? Unintentionally, Zarniya drank him, she felt that her mouth was wet even her surrounding lips. 


She was starting to feel numb.


He licked her enthusiastically, sometimes he would do it on her cheeks to give her seconds to breathe. "Y-You… a-are… a slave! Stop the-this! I-I told you a-already I-I don't… ne-need ser-service!" 


Finally, Zarniya could not help it. In an impulse, she shouted to make him stop. 


She was somehow angry, but the embarrassment and panic were bigger than that.


His kiss was oppressive, his tongue was like a snake slithering on every corner of her mouth. The sound of sucking and his groans was echoing in her ears. Her face was wet with his saliva, his other free hand was pressing her down, not letting her make a move to escape. Even if she shifted her face, he would kiss her skin either way. 


She was a maiden, but she was not innocent. 


She knew well about the bedroom matters. She prepared herself for it, once she got married, she had to please her husband in this matter. She was not smart or talented, she was mediocre. If she wanted to have a stable life in her husband's territory, she needed leverage. So, she studied this matter. But having experienced it now… It was too overwhelming…


She was not ready. 


Then, her mind thought of a way to stop him. 


How did it stop him? 


She could not move, when she uttered words like 'stop', he did not listen. She felt that it was igniting his vigor. He was getting excited as she meekly resisted, he was more of a beast in this reaction. 


There were moments when she was opening her eyes and all she could see was his eagerness. 


Those dark enticing eyes, devouring her entirety. 


When she met those eyes filled with desire. 


She was honestly scared of what would happen next.


So, then, she said… what might make him pause and think about his actions? Before she could think of the consequences, her mouth started saying those words. 


Put him in place and tell him his status. 


He was a slave; she was his master. 


He should know that— No, he should be following that. That was a fact and his action… It was just too rude! 


She did not want to use her status, and she had known that this kind of threat would not work for him. She was aware that a servant like him did not want to be seen as a servant. They were proud beings; they had a sense of pride. Zarniya met many servants with the same ideology, it was bad to offend them, she was always the one who was suffering at the end. Saying that he was a slave would only incite anger or displeasure. 


Zarniya felt cold all over. 


What if he got enraged because of what she said? And decided to be violent with her? Would he force her to continue and do more than kissing? Would he be agitated and hurt her instead? 


With all the scenarios playing in her head, she overlooked how suddenly his mood lightened and the intense emotion brewing within his eyes subsided. As if the phrase, 'you are a slave' calmed his nerves.


"I know," he chuckled. He lay beside her and buried his face on her neck, he sniffed and gave her many smooched. "I am your slave. I'm yours…" 


He was… proud? 


He was particularly delighted.


She thought he did not like being called a slave. Being treated as a servant?


But why did he sound so happy?


He was for sure a crazy person. 


She wished that she did pass out and this was a dream.


"Shh, don't cry Niya… Master, I will be nice. Your slave is too hasty, forgive me," he suddenly behaved and caressed her with gentleness. 


She blinked her eyes and realized tears were flowing down relentlessly from her eyes. She could not process her thoughts and forgot to run away from him.


Many strange things were happening to her, and she was failing to understand even the bits of it. 


She clenched her teeth and couldn't help sobbing. 


This was not nice at all. 

Messiah watched Zarniya fall asleep, he stared at her puffy eyes and was not happy that he made her cry upon spending their first night together.


He had envisioned countless versions of events as to how he would make a good impression on her with their new first encounter. He thought of possibilities for how he could make her comfortable with his presence.


They should be friends at the time being—That was what he thought at the beginning of their relationship development.


He just never had thought how hard it was to restrain himself when he saw her again.


When she appeared to his sight at the parlor earlier, he could not see anyone but her. Those trembling shoulders, fearful eyes, and cowering body.

It was her.

His Queen.

The thirteenth princess when she was eighteen years old. The thirteenth princess when she had not received her first slave. The thirteenth princess who Messiah never thought he would be so obsessed with.


His Zarniya.


Seeing her, Messiah's thoughts of being well-behaved and being in control simply vanished.


He forgot his elaborate plan to conquer her heart. For a second he lost his ability to think and all he wanted to do was to hold her tightly.


He ruined his first impression of her when he kissed her without restriction. The way she felt in his arms and the taste of her blood in his mouth, proved that she was not a mirage but a real, alive Zarniya.


Zarniya was wounded because she marked him as her slave.


She was hurt because she owned him.


The image where her blood was used to make that magic circle so she could have him still excites his being. Although he was still angry with how she was roughly treated by those people, he did not ruin the ceremony. He could easily make them pay later; the priority was to ensure that he became her slave. 


The name she bestowed him engraved to his entirety and would not let anyone take away this privilege. The fact that she did not name him after that bastard meant he had his persona and destiny with her in this life.


She made him hers.


When it happened, he received his name.



He knew it was done.


He changed their fate.


When he thought that he had changed the future… Zarniya had finally fallen on his hands. He could not contain himself, that was why he kissed her.


An action he had never done before.


He let his primal desire take over him.


But when he realized that he was being hasty, he let her run away. He let her go because he knew he had so much time with her now.


Her love was what he wanted to most.


He recollected himself and took his time in the parlor even though he did not want to separate from her for even a second. However, it was necessary to do so. He could not lose discipline and violate her every time.


He should refrain from his desire to own her from surfacing. Because that notion failed before. She had to own him, he had to be hers before she became his.




He should be a gentleman.


Yet, it was incredibly challenging.


He just wanted to keep on touching her and holding her to be certain that she was real. He had to ensure she would not leave or fade like an illusion.

He could not stop.


The taste of her lips in his mouth, the sound of her weak resistance, and the way she struggled to be free from his oppressive embrace.


He knew he was a beast, but Zarniya was always the one who could make him unruly.


"I'll be good, I'll be very obedient," Messiah whispered as he caressed her cheek. "I'll be patient starting tomorrow, Niya. I will do my best for you to love me."


"Niya," he muttered and inhaled her scent into his system. "I missed you so much, my Queen."


Messiah paused and laughed at himself, his eyes gleamed blue as he could not contain happiness bursting from his heart. "That was wrong, you're my Master now. I am Master's slave."