The Arachnea are a race of savage insects who are cruel and merciless, And most importantly infinitely loyal to their Queen..... Which is me?! (Inspired from the actual Light Novel, Her Majesty's Swarm.)
[POV : Rei]
Immediately after hearing my order, The Ripper Swarm charged at the Fat Man who belonged to the Ugly Bastard Tag, Slicing him in half as if cutting through butter with a hot knife.
I was quite conflicted even though, Even though this was my order... Poeple are dying p
because of it..... But they slave traders, So it's okay, They deserved it right? Right?!
??? : "W-what the hell is that thing?!"
A man says before getting getting his face cut in half by the Ripper Swarm.
??? : "Aa- AAAAAAAH!"
Another man gets slashed vertically starting from his groin, His blood splashing onto the Face of the 2 Elves.
??? : "Gur-kh"
The last man beside the leader is slowly chocking on his own blood from having his throat slit, The last thing he sees before his inevitable death is a sadistic mile that sent shivers down his very spine.
??? : "Oh, God! I've never seen or heard of a monster like this!"
The last man, Who I presume is the leader utters out before the Ripper Swarm was about to attack him.
"That's enough!"
I muttered before getting out of my hiding spot.
RSwarm : [Is this okay, Your Majesty?]
The Ripper Swarm asks me through the Hive Mind.
I answer him, For some reason I've felt great pleasure and pride seeing my enemies slain and achieving victory.
I then look over to the 3 Poeple left alive, Who are too stunned to even speak.
"There are various things I want to confirm."
"Hey both of you."
??? : "Huh"
The male blonde Elf seemed confused and slightly wary.
"Do you guys live in the village ahead? If so, Could you guide me there?
[10 Minute TimeSkip.]
The two Elves where walking infront of me, In which they suddenly stopped and told that we where about to reach the village.
I replied with a simple nod.
??? : "Rinato, Raisa!"
I heard someone scream out in the distance, Rinato, Raisa. so those are their names huh, Interesting.
??? : "That was so stupid of you! Do you know how worried we were?!"
[Sorry for the really short chapter, I really had alot of things to be done this week, I also want to ask you to choose one of these options on how you want the uploading schedule to be.]
1 : (Daily Upload, 800 - 900 Words per chapter.)
2: (4 - 5 Chapters every week, 1300 - 1500 Words per chapter.)