
Chapter 68

"Xiaohui! Are you ok? Where's Tingfeng?"

Upon arriving at the place, Xiaohui was bombarded by her mother about Tingfeng. She couldn't help but feel upset, as she never asked about her wife or even looked worried about her daughter.

"Mom, can you drop it? And Tingfeng can handle himself."

Xiaowen's eyes look blankly at her daughter. Her hands slipped away from her arms as Xiaohui replied with the same look.

"What did you and that garbage do last night?"

Xiaowen asks, her eyes boring into Xiaohui's as she glares at Meixiu, who's getting help from Ning's Grandfather. Grandma Peng went in their direction and held Xiaowen's arm.

"Isn't that great news? That could only mean they'll stay forever."

Grandma Peng looks at the younger woman in front and smiles widely, feeling a little happy that Xiaohui and Meixiu's relationship is taking the next stage.

Xiaowen looked at the old lady in disgust before she snapped her arm towards her, forcefully removing Grandma Peng's soothing caress.

"Ma, I've taken care of Xiaohui to find a rich man to marry, and she'll only lose an important thing to some garbage."

Xiaowen huffed and walked away from them, not wanting to look at Xiaohui because she could only imagine what inhuman things she and Meixiu did last night.

Xiaohui looks at Meixiu and sees her talking with Ning, and the two seem happy with each other.

She rolled her eyes before grabbing her bags that were set on the ground and looking at the old lady in front of her, waiting to have her guided into the house her father grew up in.

"You've been here twice, and you still don't know where the house is?"

Grandma Peng chuckled at her statement as Xiaohui blushed in embarrassment. She couldn't help but feel a little upset about not knowing where the house was located.

It is a small town with a few cabin houses around the corner, almost like driveways for people to play with and probably park in.

The only car you can see is Xiaohui's, while Tingfeng is with him because he was asked by Xiaowen to fetch Xiaohui, who was once stuck in the middle of nowhere because of heavy rain.

Everyone else in town has a motorcycle to travel to the nearest city and back to town.

The people around knew each other, and it was no surprise to see them greeting Xiaohui warmly because she was being guided by her grandmother.

"Grandma Peng, are you going to stay here for good?"

Xiaohui and Grandma Peng stopped on their track and saw a boy in front who was riding his bicycle. His eyes landed on the young woman beside Grandma Peng, and his jaw dropped.

"Wan Yang, the last time I visited, you were still small."

Grandma Peng said, chuckling at the teenage boy in front of them. Yang looks back at the old lady, and his mouth curves into an attractive smile, seemingly wanting to get Xiaohui's attention.

"Grandma Peng, I'm not small and I'm strong; look."

Yang stands up from the bicycle and flexes his arms, causing Xiaohui to giggle as she didn't see anything but a small bump.

Yang looks at her and drools, hearing her make a sound, and he can't help but imagine her soothing voice talking to him.

"You're funny."

The bicycle he's holding drops to the ground, causing Grandma Peng to flinch a little as he looks away, his face getting a little redder as he continues to stand in front of the two ladies.

"Mom! A goddess talked to me!"

Meixiu went in to stand beside Xiaohui, her eyes boring onto the boy, who happily jumped a little while punching the air.

"Is he sane?"

Xiaohui flinched and saw Meixiu beside her. She breathes a sigh of relief, but her hand raises as she playfully pushes Meixiu away from her.

"Go away; you scared me."

Her body flinches upon feeling someone touch her hands. She looked in front and saw Yang with a stupid smile on his face.

The teenage boy looks at her lovingly before he kneels, bowing at Xiaohui as he kisses the back of her hand.

"My lady, I am Wan Yang, your mighty knight."

He introduces himself as Meixiu and snickers before she takes the teenage boy's hands away from her wife's.

Yang looks up from the ground, and his eyebrows furrow upon seeing Meixiu holding onto Xiaohui's hand.

"I'm sorry, kid, but she's taken."

Xiaohui looks at Meixiu with her eyes widening, and a small tint of red goes towards her face, making her quickly look away from the taller girl beside her.

But luck wasn't on her side as she made eye contact with Grandma Peng, who only smiled at her happily, to which she replied with a redder face and looked down at the ground.

Yang, of course, couldn't believe his eyes and ears upon seeing the couple in front.

How can a goddess marry someone the same gender as her?

And isn't this that person?

Upon thinking about this, his lips twitched into a smile, confusing Meixiu, who held Xiaohui's hand tightly.

"I don't believe you."

Yang shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes look deeply into Meixiu's.

"I saw you around with Ning last time; aren't you two the real couple?"

Xiaohui squinted her eyes, her hand removing itself from Meixiu as she crossed it over her chest.

"Oh, Yang, what are you talking about? Meixiu is Xiaohui's wife, and Ning was just giving her a tour."

Grandma Peng steps up and smiles widely at the teenage boy, holding onto his shoulder as she walks away with Yang from the couple.

The teenage boy tried to go back and talk more, probably to confirm what the old lady said, but they were already far away from each other.

"Baby, do you believe that boy?"

Meixiu looks at Xiaohui in confusion before the smaller girl smiles and shakes her head, grabbing back the bags from Meixiu.

"Ning is like a younger sister to me, so I don't think you'll go with her."

"Baby, you know me. I won't ever do something to hurt you, so please don't doubt me."

Meixiu shakes her head, pulling the bags away from Xiaohui's hands as she puts one towards her right hand, putting the left arm on Xiaohui's shoulder.

"Besides, I don't think anyone will like me or even talk to me nicely other than you."

Xiaohui looks at Meixiu before she shakes her head, arms crossing onto her chest before she looks away from the taller.

"What do you call Suyin? Qing? And probably a lot more."

"You were saying something?"

Did Xiaohui just think out loud?

The smaller girl smiles at her nervously before she removes Meixiu's arm from her shoulder.

"Nothing; let's go now so we can take a rest."

She said this before walking away from Meixiu, her face heating up at the possibility that Meixiu just heard what she said.

"What's with Suyin and Qing? Is there a problem?"

Meixiu furrowed her eyebrows but shook her head, not knowing why her wife mentioned the two women who never disturbed her.

Her eyes followed Xiaohui, and she smiled widely, seeing the girl turning in a different direction.

"Baby! You should have waited for me so you wouldn't get lost!"

Meixiu yelled, running towards Xiaohui as she held her by the wrist, stopping the girl from walking away any further.

"I know my way."

"Psh, I don't think so. You're turning in the wrong direction."

Meixiu couldn't help but giggle as she found Xiaohui adorable.

"You're adorable."

Meixiu couldn't help but say it out loud, causing Xiaohui to look away yet again, her face heating up more than she expected.

"Come on, you should take a rest because you didn't sleep well last night."

Sorry guys, it was supposed to be a day only yet it turned into a weekkk. But anyways, hope y'all forgive me and hope y'all like the chapter!!

Quinn_Blitecreators' thoughts