
❤️ You know...??


Arghhh...i woke up in the morning when sun rays hit my face through window.. damn i am so tired..and this is all because of Cady..

He was a beast yesterday night.. when I came back home he was drunk.. he was holding me closely that I’m unable to resist his touch.. after so long we were this much close..

Although I don’t want that to happen i can’t give him any idea that I am still his old Amor who loves him more than her own life..

But I wanted to melt in his arms, in his never ending love.. but who knew he will become beast in next second.. goddd..my body is in pain..

I can’t even move properly.. and where the hell is he..than i look at the clock..shit.. it’s 11 already... Somehow i managed to pull myself to the bathroom and took a hot shower.. after getting relaxed i can walk now... finally..

I went downstairs feeling hungry..that Cady didn’t let me had my dinner as well.. but my whole mood got spoiled finding Cady with his soon to be wife Martina..