
❤️ Who are you..?

Outside the operation theatre Caden was waiting for the operation to end..he can’t imagine his life without his Amor..

Each passing second feels like years to him.. he keeps encouraging himself that everything will be alright..

Meanwhile whole family came to know about amora’s comeback and what she is struggling with.. they didn’t waste a second and fly to America..

They are tensed for Amora.. reaching to the hospital they found Caden outside the operation theatre.. hearing fast footsteps he lift his head to their direction..

Before anyone could ask Caden.. he was slapped by Harper.. everyone gasped but Herman kept a calm face because he knew why Harper slapped Caden..

Harper: How Dare you hide all these things from us??? My daughter was fighting alone with her condition and you didn’t let us know about her..

Caden: i... I’m sorry dad...but she was refusing for the surgery...i have to do this..