
❤️ We were friends

The same day...

Caden and Amora went for a client meeting and they will be going to home from there only... Andrew was busy in the another meeting... Same goes with Serra.. she was rescheduling Amora’s projects... Because their wedding day is coming near...

The whole week will be busier for everyone for the wedding...so the company’s work handle by them...

Serra was leaned back on her chair after hanging up the last call...she is feeling hell tired..

Serra: ohh god.. after their wedding.. I will took leave for a week for myself..

Just than a coffee mug placed on her table..she raised her head and saw Andrew with his as usual cold face..

Andrew: have coffee.. you will feel better...

He turned to leave...but Serra was not going to fall for this favour...

Serra: well..you don’t have to show your fake concern for me... So don’t play around..