
❤️ Threat


Caden: I have a another meeting... After that we will leave...ok baby...

“Sure...I will wait...”

Cady left for a meeting after we shared a breathtaking kiss.. I drank a glass of water kept on his table.. the smile which I have on my face disappeared after he is gone..

I picked up my phone to call Serra.. she picked it up instantly...

Serra: yes amora...

“Serra... please find out is Ms. Gilbert still in photoshoot..”

Serra: just a moment... ummm... Yes she is in 6th floor right now...

I walk out from his cabin and went to the lift and pressed the 6th floor button...

When I reached she was posing seductively towards the camera.. I cleared my throat to grab their attention..

When she saw me she makes a “not interested” face at me.. “BITCH”.. I wished I could say it louder..

“Ms. Gilbert can I have your 5mins please.. I want to talk about your costume..”

Vanessa: whatever...