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Amora drove to the place where her baby is with Caden... She was getting anxious and want to get back his son.. she was driving fastly ignoring the traffic signals..

Nothing is important right now for her.. the address which was written on paper was almost 2 hours away..

When she finally reached..she literally run to the place which is at isolated place.. without knocking or anything..she just pushed the door which is surprisingly unlocked..

The entire place was empty like there is no one.. she looked around but there is no trace of anyone.. than she heard the giggling sound of her baby..

Amora quickly run upstairs and open every bedroom.. opening the fifth door she saw her baby laying on bed with so many toys around him..

She tried to go to take him but collide with a huge glass wall between them.. She was looking for way to get her baby until a voice came from behind..

Caden: looking so desperate baby....