
❤️ Silent (Love) Storm

Amora woke up when her BP normalised..she saw friends staring at her and sighed deeply..

Raine: you idiot..fool.. can’t you let us stay in peace..huhhh.. you always put yourself in trouble..

Misha: you are right Raine.. she isnso stubborn...I don’t understand how Caden handle her...

When Misha mentioned his name..amora eyes start searching him..but he was not there..

Serra: he was in study with others.. he looked tense... But don’t worry..now you are fine... that’s all matters...

Amora sat on bed and drink water.. her friends talk with her for sometime.. she look at Serra.. understanding her gaze Serra nods and went out..

Serra knocked at the door..when Andrew open he smiles at her.. she look past him..Caden was silent..

Serra: she is awake now..and waiting for him...

Andrew along with Kevin and Jacob look towards Caden.. they can’t force him to do anything.. but right now she need him..

Caden: you all can go back home..she is alright now..