
❤️ Punishment


I drove to the farmhouse where girls are having their small party... I know I’m doing wrong but I can’t stay away from my amor...

And these fools followed me.. saying that they also want to be with their love.. I can’t blame them.. because I was the first to take decision of coming here...

I open the door with a spare keys and take one step to enter but I heard there conversation.. their back were facing me and they are so lost in the movie that they didn’t realise the door open..

I saw amor wearing a sexy dress and have a wine in her hand.. I clearly warned her to never drink..did she forgot... Meanwhile others also came and stood behind me..

Girls were discussing about the actor’s body...like seriously.. how dare she look at other man’s body.. than she turned and saw us.. her face shows how shocked she is..

She tried to run from me.. too late baby you can’t run away.. and than Raine said what she thinks about that actor’s body...great...she wants to eat him..