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She is overreacting now...she is so scared to face her own parents.. what’s the big deal... They love her..my parents also her love her..than why..??

Amora: what do you mean..why..?? I just came back after an year and say.. I’m married to a man who left me for 3 years...

“Baby...I said I will handle it.. don’t worry about them”

Amora: yahh.yahh... now move..let me change..

She pushed me lightly but instead of me she was pushed off herself... Well it’s not my fault to have a strong body.. she went to the closet and came out after 10mins...

By than I already wore casual clothes..and she was dressed in light brown turtle neck sweater and black jeans...

I back hugged her when she was combing her hairs..she smell so good..just like before.. sandalwood.. I want to kiss her neck but I can’t...

“why you are wearing this.. change it..”

Amora: well I can’t show our parents what you did to my neck...