
❤️ Our Wedding (Part-1)

Finally the day has arrived for which Amora always dream and Caden waited impatiently...

The wedding was organised in the property of Kingston..the same place where Caden and Amora went together for the first time.. the wedding will take place in the afternoon but the preparations were already done..only the final look is taken by Jacob..

Everyone is excited...the news was already spread all over the world..but the media was not allowed inside the property.. all of them are busy but happy...

But our bride is very nervous...it’s not a new thing for a bride to be nervous on her wedding day.. but she can’t stop being anxious...

The make up artist came early and start her the transition of sweet Amora into a bride Amora... They help her wear the wedding gown..

Amora: it’s so heavy..how will I able to walk..

Raine: when you see senior at Aisle..I am sure you will run to him..