
❤️ Only this Time !!


It’s already going to be 2AM...And he is not back yet... I was enjoying our girls time when Serra joined us...it’s was surprising..but she told us that Cady has sent her back..while they were doing some work...

When I realised it’s time to sleep..I told them to sleep in guest room.. they all left to sleep.. but I was waiting for Cady.. I told him I will wait for him..

I decided to read some books to pass the time until he arrives... But now this the limit..what kind of work is he doing.. it’s so late.. he should sleep on time..but no.. he always says that I am careless...now what is he doing than..??

My eyelids start getting heavier while reading the book..I tried to so much to keep them open...but don’t know my eyes get close...




Here, Caden was driving back to his home in full speed... once he reached.. he went straight to his room... the words were still haunting him.. makes him scared of loosing her...