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Jacob: So that car intentionally wanted to hit Amora..

“Yes...the road was clear..only Amor was on that side..AND the car was on the wrong side..”

Kevin: yes...see this footage...the driver has enough time to slow down or to drive the other side...but it still keep coming towards amora..

“Someone is trying to hurt her”

Jacob: hmm...I had already ordered my men to find the car and it’s owner..

Kevin: what are you thinking.. Caden

“I just got scared that moment...I know I would have sound like a coward..but I’m afraid of losing her”

Jacob: Caden...you love her.. getting scared for her..it’s normal

I just hummed but my mind was replaying that whole incident..just than I got a text on my phone..I open and found my Amor text...

(Text) * I know you must be worried because of what happened...but please don’t stress...it’s just an accident..you saved me on time... So Cady.. don’t worry at all..love you..*