
❤️ Names


“Baby see this.. I brought so many toys...and other things..now you can prepare the room perfectly”

Amora: don’t try to make me fool..I know you want me to be busy at home..so I don’t go to office..

Hmm...I am trying to make her agree to stay at home now.. but she has become so stubborn.. but now she is 6months pregnant.. I want to her take proper rest..

“Amor.. won’t you listen to me this time”

I tried to emotional blackmail her showing my puppy face.. she looked at me for a while than sighed..

Amora: fine.. but promise me you will come soon from now on..

“Yes my baby amor...I will come early from now on.. because I also can’t stay away from you...”

I hugged her kissing her forehead.. and take her to have dinner.. we feed eachother and than we slept peacefully..

Next day I woke up early and starts getting ready..amor also wake up rubbing her eyes..and looking at me whole time while I was getting ready..

Amora: when you come back get me my favourite icecream..