
❤️ Devil Awakes

In a dark basement... Four people were tied from a chair.. only the light of ceiling bulb is over them.. they were unconscious because the guards of Caden have given them special treatment.. and to Vanessa..there are lady guards who took care of her...

Caden along with Kevin and Jacob sitting leisurely on a comfortable chair... They are enjoying the state of their prey which they finally caught successfully...

On their side..Serra was standing crossing her arms over her chest with a calm face... Vanessa was the one to regained consciousness first.. her eyes roamed around and spot Serra..

Vanessa: you bitch...I knew you were not loyal at all... I’m make your life hell..

A lady guard standing next to her..gave a strong painful slap on her face to shut her up...

Jacob: oowwch...did I heard a bone cracking sound..?

Kevin: yes...(smirked)

Serra step forward to near Vanessa and stare at her..