
❤️ Day 2 (Part-2)


Where is he...?? He just...just fall down in front on my eyes...I can’t see him because of these several plants..I am screaming his name but he did not answering me...I was kneeling on the ground and crying...

Did I lost him..?? I can’t understand what just happened in a second..I was ready to go down but Kevin came and hold my arms tightly... Why he is not worried about him...now I am more panicked...

“Kevin... please leave my hand...I want to find him..he must be there... please let me goooo”

Kevin: Amora relax...just....

“how can you ask me to relax...what if something happens to him... please go and bring him back please..... Jacob please go please”

all of them were looking down and Kevin was still holding me to not let me go...my friends were also worried...

Misha: why you both are not doing anything... please go and help senior...

Raine: we can’t hear his voice though...