
❤️ Day 2 (Part-1)


Last night was such blissful night...my Amor was in my arms...when she got tired for standing so long...I sat on the ground leaning to a big rock behind me..I pulled her to me and make her sit between my legs...

How can I let her go when I want these 3 days only with her...she also didn’t object and we stayed there only.. soon I heard her soft breathing...she was leaning on me and slept... She was looking exquisite under the moonlight... making my heart wild and crazy...

The whole night I didn’t sleep.. because the most beautiful sight of my Amor sleeping in my arms taken away my sleep... Than I saw the sun was about to rise I carefully carried her and laid her inside her tent..and went back to mine...

After 2hours we all wake up and got fresh in caravan one by one...we got ready for hiking to the hills...and I already told Amor to stay by my side only...she hesitate but agreed... we started walking...our friends were ahead and I intentionally walking slow with her...