
❤️ Convince her

The day when amora secretly moved out from home in absence of Caden to get check up.. Caden was feeling restless because of her behaviour from last night..

She was looking restless and moreover trying her best to hide something.. Caden knew there must be a reason so he cancelled all his meetings and left company..

When he arrived at home..he found aric with a maid and when he asked about amora..the maid said that she went to meet a friend and will be back in an hour or two..

Caden knew she must be with Sam.. he was about to call his men to search her but thought something else.. he ask maid to take Aric to Serra’s home.. when the maid left.. he told the workers to leave..

He quickly went to the room and search her things in order to get any clue..but he got nothing.. but while walking he felt something under his feet..

When he looks down he saw a small tablet which is ofcourse not his... And as per his knowledge amora never takes any medicine or supplements..