
❤️ A surprise

A maid saw Amora and suspect she is not alright..she quickly reach near her..

Maid: mam...are you ok..?

Amora: I..(sigh) I feeling pain..call..call Cady..

Maid hurriedly picked the landline and call Caden’s number..and good luck Caden was already entered the gates reaching home when he gets the call..

Caden: yes..

Maid: sir.. mam is in pain..

Caden ordered driver to speed up and stopped at the door..he ran inside.. Amora was almost in tears holding her belly..

Caden: Amor..baby.. I’m here..

Amora: Cadyyyy...it’s... paining alot...

Caden: don’t worry..shhh.. maid..call our parents and tell them I am taking her to the hospital..

He carried Amora in his arms and took her to the car.. driver drive fastly.. Caden keep amora in his lap..

Amora: aaahh..Cadyyyy...

Caden: amor...we will reach soon ok.. relax..