
❤️ A story of you

In the evening... Amora was nervous to go with Caden.. she is happy to spent some time with him but hesitate to be alone with him..he already hate girls what if she done something accidentally and it angered him...

“Oh god...why me..I was happy with this hide and seek...and you just throw me front of lion...one wrong move and my head will be cut from my body..”

She caressed her neck and prayed the god for her safety.. she pack essential stuffs for designing in her bag..and took her mobile and check the battery level and time...

“only 10min...run amora run...he will be here at any time...”

She run downstairs carrying her bag on shoulder..her mom saw her running in hurry..

“careful baby..I told you to not run on stairs...”

“Sorry mom..but I will be late..I am going to get some inspiration for my designing competition..ok bye mom love you...”

“ok baby...take care..and call me when you are done I will send car..bye”

Amora passed through the gates and waits for Caden..

Whereas Caden was already reach 1hr before and was at some distance...he saw her waiting for him..she was looking fresh like morning as always..she was wearing a white lining shirt and blue jeans..Caden kept looking at her for few minutes..

“Haha...who will say you are a designing student..you are so cute and look like a baby... actually you are more like a school girl...”

Exactly at 4..Caden stopped his car in front of Amora.. she bend lower and saw Caden in his usual cold look...she found him more dashing like that...he was wearing blue check shirt over black vest and dark green jeans..

“hop in..”

She came back to her senses and immediately sat inside and wear the seat belt..Caden drove the car..there is deadly silence in car... Amora hands start sweating in nervousness... Caden watched her from corner of eyes..and smirked..

Caden: why are you sweating so much..

Amora: huhh...no I am not..

Caden: are you scared from me

Amora: No senior I am not scared... actually this is first time you are talking to a girl that’s why..I know you hate girls so I don’t want to make you angry

Caden: you are not that type of girl I hate...so chill

Amora smiled at him..and thanked god for his mercy on her.. after sometime..Caden stopped the car at a farm of flowers and trees.. They both got down and amora was memorized looking at the place...the whole place was covered with cherry blossom trees and different kinds of flowers...


Caden like the way Amora was loving the place..but he also gets little jealous though..this place belongs to Kingston property..

Amora: Senior..how come you know about this place...I never saw it before

Caden: one of my friend told me about it..come with me..

Amora silently followed Caden and they sat under a tree..the whole place can be seen from their place..amora open her bag and take out sketchbook to draw some rough designs..Caden watched her every movement...he wanted to listen her voice..than something click his mind..

Caden: you did not tell me the theme yet..

Amora: oh I forgot.. our theme is simple but elegant..

Caden: simple and elegant??? But it will look less attractive in comparison with other designs..

Amora: no senior.. we have to show that how a simple and elegant design can be attractive as well as sophisticated..


Caden leaned his back to the tree and listen her thoughts about the theme...but he was not sure how she going to put that in the design...

Amora draw few rough sketches of couple dress but not satisfied..than she thought about what is missing..she put her materials aside and turn to Caden giving him her full attention...

Amora: senior...if you don’t mind can I ask you something..

Caden: sure..

Amora: tell me a story..of you..

Caden: I don’t have any story...

Amora: that’s not true.. every person has their own story..

Caden: I never had a love story like others..

Amora: who said I am talking about love story.. the story can be about your dreams, your friends, your life, your childhood or anything.. so a story is not only about a love story..

Caden was dumbfounded by her thoughts..how easily she expressed her views on anything..her way of thinking is different from others.. Caden craved more to know about her..

There was a complete silence for 5min..than Caden look back at the farm and said..

“when I was kid my mom always took me to some park and we both play there for hours..she always been there for me.. whenever I need or want something.. she used to tell me different stories to make me sleep.. one day I was playing when I saw a butterfly on a flower..it was beautiful I want to touch it..but whenever I go near that butterfly it flies away..when I got tired of chasing...I become angry and attempt to hit that butterfly with my small bat.. than mom suddenly stopped me and asked me the reason...I told her everything and she said.. that it’s not necessary that all the beautiful thing in this nature is ours.. they have their own life own importance own uniqueness.. if we found something unique and beautiful... appreciate it.. don’t try to destroy it.. because of their beauty this world seems more beautiful..!! And from that day I understand what she trying to tell me..that we don’t deserve every beautiful thing for us... instead of that become worthy enough to deserve it... that’s was my memory of childhood...”

When Caden completed he turned to Amora who was lost in looking at him..they both are looking at eachother.. Caden snap his fingers in front of her...and she blinked her eyes thrice..

Amora: wow that’s really amazing..

Caden: and what’s your story..

Amora think for a minute before answering him..

Amora: i have a dream to fly on this sky with that someone special who will become my wings not to support me but to stand with me..

Her words hit directly to Caden heart...they had a eye lock when a small butterfly cross from between...and their gaze diverted to the butterfly who sits on a small flower..

Amora: senior...you said that you always wanted to touch a butterfly right...

Caden just hummed to her and she rose up from there and slowly went near the butterfly..Caden narrowed his eyes not knowing what she is doing because her back was facing him..

She kneeled on the ground and Caden also stand from there and went near her.. he stood behind her when Amora also stand straight and turn slowly to him..

Caden saw her smiling face and follow her gaze..her palm was in front of him and the butterfly was sitting on it..a small smile came across his face..

Amora eyed him to forward his hand and he did.. she bring her palm near his hand and waited patiently..and the butterfly fly little and land on Caden palm..Caden was shocked to see that the butterfly came by itself...

Amora: it’s true that not all beautiful creature is belong to us...but if we really want that to be with us...we need to earn it..and it is only possible with love patience and dedication...

Caden watch Amora with an unexplained emotions in his eyes...and the butterfly flew away to the other flower... Caden heart is filled with an unknown satisfaction which is given by Amora...

Caden: (in mind) you will surely kill me one day Amor...you are that beautiful light which will erase the darkness and will brighten my life...you are like that butterfly who came to me herself...but the question is do I really deserve you..??



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Stay safe and healthy...❤️❤️