

#r18 #weaktostrong #love #betrayal Nina is a sweet promising young girl with a beautiful dreams and future. Hoping to meet her Prince Charming and Soulmate some day, to be loved and cherished by him. Will her dreams ever come true? Will life be fair on her? Let's find out how fate played a big role on her. Hi lovelies please stay tuned I'll be updating it as fast as I can so that I won't keep you in much suspense pleasssseee Love you

Pearl_Xi · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


As Christmas was fast approaching, Nina was happily expecting her friend Claire to visit her as she promised. She was always in touch with Debbie since they lived close to each other and sometimes Diana because she leaves few miles across the street. She was hardly in touch with Harper, Fiona and Mills which made her feel so bad, she missed them so bad.

When the thought of Mills cheating on her crossed her mind she felt so bad and which for school to resume so that she will be with him and her friends. Unknown to her that her worst fear was the reality, Mills was really cheating on her.

The Claire promised to show up at Nina house came. Nina waited and waited but she was not coming any time soon,

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, she rushed and opened it but she was disappointed because it's not who she was expecting

Aurrrgh" she made a sad face which was obvious

What's wrong? She's not here yet?" Debbie asked coz their were expecting Claire.

No I even thought she was the one knocking" Nina replied with tears in her eyes.

Stop crying okay maybe she will be here anytime there's still time" Debbie said comforting her.

I feel like something is wrong somewhere, I just can't say is really wrong" Nina in midst tears, Debbie's eyes watered as she hugged Nina she couldn't stand seeing her friend crying.

Unbeknownst to them that Claire was gone, her guardian sent her back to the province very far from H city the lived in.

They waited till night fall, Debbie went back to her house, while Nina continued with her chores.

The next morning, Nina's hope were high as she kept on wishing for Claire to come by. Days turned in weeks and finally it was resumption day.

Nina was anxious, happy and worried at the same time, she will also get to see her friends

As she arrived at school everywhere was busy and noisy because it's the first day of their mid semester so everyone was excited as there were cleaning up there surroundings.

Nina and her friends hugged, changed pleasantries and teased one another as the carried on their cleaning duty. Till Nina asked "Have you girls seen Claire today?"

No we haven't" they replied one after another.

Alright" Nina said with a sad expression which only Debbie saw.

Maybe she decided not to partake in today's cleaning, she does not wanna get dirtied " Debbie said and chuckled in other to make Nina smile.

The next day they expected to see Claire but she didn't show up they were all worries but the decided to be calm and wait patiently for her, maybe she's sick and wants to recover before showing up in school they all thought.

One week passed and Claire was no where to be found.

A new week began,

Nina decided to step out of her class to get some snacks, when one of her class mate came beckoning on her in a hasty tune.

Hey come on Nina a Teacher and a pregnant lady are looking for you " said the student

Alright I'm behind you" Nina said as she followed her behind.

As Nina approached her class all eyes were on her,

Nina Romero " Called the Teacher

Yes sir" She answered in her confused state.

So you're the Nina, Claire has been talking about impressive" the lady scornfully said

Yes ma'am I'm Nina, is Claire with you?" Nina answered and asked back.

No she's not, I've sent her back to the province were I picked her from and I'm here to tell you that all Claire belongings is now yours, I want you to come over to my house this afternoon and take her remaining things otherwise you give me no other choice but to burn them all.

Nina was speechless but at that moment she had to be strong and not to break down in front of that lady and her classmates she held back her tears and asked.

Ma'am which province did you send her to? Nina asked

Zee Province and besides I heard her parents sent her another city though I didn't bother asking them since she's out of my custody" the woman said ruthlessly .

Nina knew that Zee Province was very far from H city which they all stay in if not , she wouldve gone in search of her friend Claire, taking her belongings isn't a problem but she not seeing Claire anymore was a bigger torment. Nina make sure you're in my house this afternoon" said the pregnant lady as she wrote down her address and gave to Nina. As she was still with the lady and the teacher Diana and Fiona showed up, Nina immediately narrated the ordeal to them.

So what did she say about Claire"? Diana questioned

She sent her back to Zee Province and also asked me to come to house and take away all Claire belongings else she will burn it." Nina said feeling exhausted

Claire once told me that her guardian was maltreating her" Fiona blurted out

And you kept it away from us? and you didn't bother telling anyone about it Fiona what is wrong with you?" Diana yelled in midst tears

Nina was speechless and disappointed at the same time.

What do we tell her boyfriend? Diana asked

What do you tell who ?" Mills asked as he hugged Nina from behind.

Claire is has gone back to Zee Province, her guardian sent her back and know what to her boyfriend Carl when he asks" Nina answered with tears in her eyes.

What happened to Claire" Carl asked looking at the trio girls with tears in their eyes and also Mills

Fiona broke the silence " Claire has gone back to the province her guardian sent her back"

Which Province? " He asked looking frustrated as if a part of him went missing.

When school period was over Nina, Fiona, Debbie,Carl and Diana went to the pregnant lady's house and collected Claire's belongings. They were all sad, the thought losing Claire was so painful the short period they knew each other made them so fond of one another. Nina was the most affected one because since Christmas she a hint that something was wrong somewhere but she couldn't pin point what exactly wrong. Nina cried so bitterly as she played the song she an Claire loved to sing it brought so many memories back to her

Nina could not accept the fact that Claire was gone, she always prayed for Claire to come back.

One thing about Nina is that she values friendship alot not withstanding anything.

As days passed, weeks passed and months , Claire was nowhere to be found they gave up buh deep in Nina's heart she kept having hope that Clarie will surely come back.

I'm truly sorry for not updating fast as promised.

I've been a little busy.

But not to worry I'm back and I'll keep updating to your satisfaction

Happy Reading

Pearl_Xicreators' thoughts