
Her intention, His agony.

All it took was a gunshot.....bang!. .... Diva decides to stay in her mother's homeland for a while, not because she needed the space her grandma and father told her she needs- time heals. Picking up her bag and leaving the room... her mother's killer was far away from the kingdom but not far from her mother's country. He was there. ___ 'Red-eyed creatures don't exist. They are just myths'. Her friend Hailey said with an air of confidence and knowledge as she chew on her burger. Myths?. If there are just myths and don't exist, then does that mean that she was just hallucinating things when she saw those pair of blood-red eyes looking at her. After a while, her friend asked her, 'Why do you ask? Have you seen anyone?'. Yes, once in her nightmares, twice in her school. 'Anyways, next time you see Emma and his friends, run in the opposite direction'. Diva nodded and rose her head, only to be met with someone's threatening gaze. 'Come outside'. She read the words off his lips. ___ The events around her mother's death still played fresh in her memory and helped to remind her of her revenge-- to give her mother's killers a slow and painful death. But would she be able to go through with her plans after falling in love with the killer, especially after he had confessed his feelings to her?.

Winnie_Malachi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs


In the darkness, she ran, as far as her feet could carry her, she ran. With danger lurking and emerging at every corner, her heartbeat and the sounds of her feet synched proximately to the African drumroll. Having nothing but fear in mind, hysterically she got drowned in the depths of the darkness.

But as far as she thought she outran them, the closer they were to her, catching up with her on every print she left behind. Her breathing hastened, her eyes welled up, her lungs screamed within for air, her tongue got evacuated of all its liquid.

Her mind shut down and all that was left with her now was her willpower and her hope. She tightened her wrist around them. If she can just hold on a little longer she would get there. There, where all these would end and her endless run would be terminated. There, where the golden eyes and the hot breaths would stop. There, where the howling wind, the eldrich cold, the hugging trees, the entrapping roots, the over fifty heartbeats, and most importantly that masculine human-like form of being that would with just a step catch up with her tenth step. She wished limitlessly for that place where everything will be over.

Like the stars could hear, she caught sight of dim light ahead. The mere sight of it shot her excitement level to the highest peak. The hope she was holding onto seemed to have gotten bigger in her possession. Her weary muscles and nerves strengthened again and now with a pure purpose, she aimed for the brighter side.

She sped across the trees that were about to catch her in their grasp and jumped over the roots that were about to tie themselves around her ankle. Her speed and agility were now unbeatable.

Voom!!!. Something crashed into her and then her feet left the ground. She stretched her hand to hold onto something but gripped nothing. And just when she thought she was reaching her goal, the world came spinning around her and the ground seemed to be coming up to her.

As she look up, she saw a black coat floating in the wind, a pair of blood-red eyes, fangs at its length, and claws growing out of something, and as the moon came up over the figure, recognition dawned on her. The masculine figure that was tall and huge and always seem to be following her shadow was in reality a man with all the extreme features. But he certainly was not a human, as humans don't bear all these characteristics. If he is not a human, then who is he?.

The fall seemed unending and now that she understood what happened to her, her only option was to shout. Shout for help from God-knows-where. But she won't give a damn for the source of help.

Screams escaped her lips as she plummeted down the hill from which she fell. As she look up again to where the man stood, she noticed that the man blended so well with the darkness, that he looked like a shadow in the moonlight. Shock filled her head as she counted the seconds that went by and the time left for her to crash into her doom.


Hey dearly beloved. Thank you for joining me on this one. I update a chapter every day at 5 pm GMT+1.

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