
Her intention, His agony.

All it took was a gunshot.....bang!. .... Diva decides to stay in her mother's homeland for a while, not because she needed the space her grandma and father told her she needs- time heals. Picking up her bag and leaving the room... her mother's killer was far away from the kingdom but not far from her mother's country. He was there. ___ 'Red-eyed creatures don't exist. They are just myths'. Her friend Hailey said with an air of confidence and knowledge as she chew on her burger. Myths?. If there are just myths and don't exist, then does that mean that she was just hallucinating things when she saw those pair of blood-red eyes looking at her. After a while, her friend asked her, 'Why do you ask? Have you seen anyone?'. Yes, once in her nightmares, twice in her school. 'Anyways, next time you see Emma and his friends, run in the opposite direction'. Diva nodded and rose her head, only to be met with someone's threatening gaze. 'Come outside'. She read the words off his lips. ___ The events around her mother's death still played fresh in her memory and helped to remind her of her revenge-- to give her mother's killers a slow and painful death. But would she be able to go through with her plans after falling in love with the killer, especially after he had confessed his feelings to her?.

Winnie_Malachi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs


It was only this morning were they informed that the Chairman would be visiting the Head branch, delivering an hour into their hands for clean up.

In every company, there are the good, the bad, and the ugly. Ugly in characteristics had the highest number of people falling under its category, filling mostly, the leadership. And that's why even before most companies soar, they crumble, where they had just gotten their standing. S&L Groups was not excluded from this but what kept the company standing and maybe-- flying, was the strong wits of the secret manager no one knew about, just for the Chairman's knowledge.

Following the unveiling of the hideous deeds of some of the staff- mainly from the leadership, everyone had been on the tip of their toes.

Not only was their most dark secret which they thought they had buried so well, exhumed and brought to the surface, but the person that dug it out was also still a mystery. They could not even rebury them as the time that they had was so- little. What a coincidence!.

The guard at the front pressed the button and the doors of the elevator slid open with a bing!.

Some guards stayed on the floor while the others escorted Chairman Conrad in the company of Fred, the PA, Director Roland, and AG Tim. The stakeholders had to wait for the next lift.

The door of the elevator closed at the instant when the button with 23 was tapped. 

Out of the five of them, one had a passive look, and one, had a rapt delight as he scrolled on his tab. One, a playful smirk, one, an anxious look, and the other, an apprehensive look. The guards were as stoic as they could ever be.

For the first time since he arrived at the company, his eyes darted around the floor, from desk to chair, the desktop to the electronics, the lighting to the flooring, and every eye-catching thing on the twenty-third floor. Indeed nineteen years was too much a time to cause an explosive change.

Though the floor on which he stood now was not completed by the time he had gone back to his kingdom with his bride, from the entrance, he could spot tons of things that were added, removed, or refurnished. His secret manager had done a great job if he must commend. 

'Where would you like to visit first, sir?. His question held a bit of hesitation. His tone quietly begging not to visit his office - no, the storage room was the most avoided place right now. And though Director Roland was asking, it sounded rather like a plea.

Not only were the documents hidden away in it, but from what he had heard from Tim and what he further confirmed, the storage room was locked with a face recognition system, and afterward when Tim tried to turn on the device again, it just couldn't come up. And for some odd reasons, it felt as though the storage room was locked with a padlock where the key had been thrown away. 

He had coerced Tim into spilling out the truth and according to him, the man he got his orders from only revealed his back when he was instructing him. He wondered if the person was within the company, or outside. A foe - working his way into crashing the company or was it just him and his associates?.

Or was it a friend or rather an accomplice helping Chairman Conrad to disinter forgotten things? Was Chairman Conrad aware of it? Was it his instruction?.

Was it a scheme by his follow perpetrators to pull him down and make him look bad in the eyes of his boss?. He was aware that there were people who wanted his downfall. Some he knew, to be amongst his subordinates, but was it not bad enough that they wanted to remove him from his seat. Damaging his reputation was not a good option?.

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