
Her groom

When a man start to love a woman it going to be like a turning point to a woman who doesn't expect his love for her to be real

omotundunoladoja · Fantasia
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28 Chs


" you did all that Gabriel, I know you are ruthless in business cycle but I never expected you to be heartless like this do you remember you are the one that asked this lady hand in marriage " she said yelling seriously " will you listen to me first" he yelled back at her making her stare at him, they both stare at themselves for a while before Gabriel started again.


In highschool when Alex and Gabriel was ,there are in their terminal class "Alex don't you see the newbie that just came to school" Gabriel asked staring at a ice cream spot " who are you talking about" Alex looked at the spot he was staring at " oh oh I can see what caught my friend's attention go and meet her now or what are you waiting for ? " "not now Alex I ought to have known things about her a little bit to gain her attention I know many guys in school will want to ask her out ,I don't even know If she have chosen one of them " he suggested, while the lady there were staring at walkaway after getting her ice cream.

Few days later Gabriel was planning his birthday party ,he also find a way to invite the new girl in school , he noticed that she is always with Isabella so he invited her to his birthday party, she at first did not want to come since her friend Isabella is not coming

but I plead her to come ,she at least agreed after a lot of begging her, when she comes,she was the only woman I danced and chart with, I expressed my feeling to to her , I she turned me down instantly, I only got her name, not her other things I need to know.

I keep on disturbing her , I now used it as my job in pursuing her ,one day I was walking around the school when my eyesight her friend discussing something with some guys in suit, I was curious although I don't normally listen to people's conversation like that I just have the urge to go there maybe it will be helpful, when I moved closer to their behind I had Isabella saying she is not walking with her today , she said that and the guys leave her alone , I wanted to go and asked her who there were , but the teacher called her ,I decided to sit behind the tree to know who those guys are, because they look nothing less than an assassin , after I waited for One hours, the timekeeper rang the bell for closing time I decided to continue my research tomorrow , because am bored already sitting alone , when I was about to enter my class I saw Cynthia walking alone to the school main gate I decided to follow her ,my friend was asking me what happened I told him I will talk to him tomorrow that he should tell my driver to not bother to wait for me in school, I quickly packed my laptop inside the laptop bag and I just leave my books inside my desk and locked it , my instinct was telling me something is about to happen .

I followed her to her house , I don't want to let my present to know to her that because am not feeling good on what want to happen, when she entered her house with her key that she found inside her bag , after five minutes inside her house I had noise I had her voice shouting for help once , I waited for some minutes to digest what I had before I knew what happened I saw the guys that are talking to Isabella in the afternoon with the same suit , they are four and in number , coming out of the house , with a strange expression , I wanted to enter the house but I have to make sure they are totally gone so I followed them ,they entered their car and drove off , before I got back to the house I saw police outside the house with caution stickers around the house , just then I saw Cynthia body on the stretcher blood all over her body , I was unable to complete what happened caused my mom come and find me there and I traveled out of the country the following morning and I don't know anything about her since then.

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