

"The maid will bring your dinner to the guest room. Or maybe I'd better take it to you," he smiled while talking.

Zaviah wants to have her dinner delivered to her bedroom. She would have been happy but she laughed at Miguel that he was the one to bring the food to her.

"I will go to the kitchen instead. It would be nice to eat with you all on the dining table," she answered.

Miguel laughed to what he heard. For that sudden change of mind. Zaviah seemed nio other choice but to go to the kitchen.

"All right, it's better to send you the food than for you to walk to the kitchen. I know your heel still hurts because I saw that you can still walk properly."

"I can do it. I feel lame if you treat me like that."

"You just don't want me to bring you the food. I'm harmless," Miguel smirked.

"I didn't say anything," she replied.

Pretending that she mean nothing in what she said. They ate dinner together at the kitchen. She finished immediately the food she put on her plate. She didn't eat much.

"I think you ate too little. Are you full right away? Don't go on a diet. Promise I will still love you even if you expand like a closet."

"Oh no! That won't happen. I live a healthy eating lifestyle and exercise."

Miguel took Zaviah to the guest room. They both want to go to each bedroom to sleep. They are leaving early.

"Can I have a good night kiss before going to sleep?" Miguel requested.

She saw her boyfriend's eyes twinkle. So she feel her heartbeat increased beating. She said nothing but move closer to Miguel's face. A soundless kiss as if it was just like a face smelling.

"I'm done kissing you goodnight."

"I guess you're even proud of your childish kiss," he said like teasing his girlfriend.

Zaviah blushed at what he heard. Her kiss was like how he kiss her dad long ago. How can she know to kiss her boyfriend if she hasn't experienced it yet, though she has seen it in movies and read it on romance stories. If Miguel is the one to kiss him, she is ready to close his eyes and let go of the kiss.

"You don't like the kiss. What kind of kiss do you want?"

She pretended to answer like an innocent even she seen how is kissing the lips. She looked so sexy in a way she smiled. It seems so appealing to someone like Miguel who wanna hug and wanting to be next to her on bed all night. A strong kiss touched lips. And like every kiss of it to her that was still gentle and sweet to the taste. She could not avoid responding. It tastes like she also wants to not stop. But even before she was led to the impending temptation she pushed Miguel a little to remind that they have to sleep early because they are going to leave also early at dawn.

"Goodnight my love," she said with a smile.

She quicklywent inside before her fragile mind could think to let her beloved man to lay on bed next to her. Leaned herself at the back of the door after she closed it. And touched her lips while feeling the thrill and sweetness of the kiss. Then slowly she walk and laid her body dropping it down on bed. Keeping her eyes wide open still staring at the ceiling. Drowsiness did not even visit her. It was very strange to her, that eventhough it had taken her time to be in that position. Until she kept turning left and right. Her eyelids were already sore and dilated that same nothing happened. Deep sighed was all she could do. She remembered if Don Rafael hadn't stopped her maybe she was already in Italy and started a good life. But she met Miguel.

'Will he be enough the reason to think not to plan anymore for emigration' she has this on her mind.

She just thought of dressing herself and left the room. But she was just surprised at the people she saw talking. They were out of the mansion.

"So when is the right time, Celestina? Do you think you can still hide the truth to him?"

Who do you think you are Miguel? Don't talk like you are smarter than me. You might think I don't know what you're up to."

"My plans are not that bad Celestina. I will just follow one last request of my older brother before he was deprived of life. Miguel refers to Don Facundo. The only sibling who has not forsaken him since their mother was lost to this world. It died giving birth to him. Don Facundo wants him to marry the only true grand daughter of Don Rafael who was his best friend. This was how he thought the way to restore the relationship between the Villaverdes and Mondragons.

"It's not bad if you really love the woman. If you take her to the altar full of your desire that you will love her for life. Not because you will just marry her for your own interest. But you are just after the benefit Miguel. Two hit in a one stone. You can have that beautiful woman of Mondragon and to have Rancho Villarde as well."

"What you're saying isn't true Celestina," he said it angrily.

"Yes that is true because you want to have Rancho Villaverde then to marry her is the key.

You've always wanted to get Rancho Villarde. You want that land to be yours. That's why you're getting closer to Rod. Because you know how easy it is for you to take it away from him.

That's the real reason Miguel. But you won't succeed. Keep that in your mind," Celestina growled.

Miguel's ears are

getting hot. But he can't hurt Celestina. He is a lawyer and he knows the law.

"Believe what you want to believe. I can do nothing with your narrow-mindness."

Zaviah heard everything from where she is standing. It was dark from where she is, so no one could possibly see her. She even stumbled on a rock she stepped on. Good thing she didn't created any noise. She saw that Miguel was talking. A white car just arrived. A woman with a slender body. She couldn't believe it when she recognized. Silva is also on the scene.

'What has she got to do with the Villaverdes?' she asked to herself.

She proved Silva was indeed a plague. A termite that gradually destroys the Mondragons. She will make sure that her grandmother Trinidad may knows everything. And what is more likely, is that Silva was involved on hiw Rod the son of her aunt Stella went to hands of Villaverdes.

Zaviah quickly went inside again. She plan to pretend to Miguel as if she heard nothing. But how could she do that if her heart is bleeding so much. What exactly is she supposed to believe.

'That's why she had to marry Miguel' Don Rafael said too, as she also recalled it.

That is also the reason that Don Rafael wanted to point out when he also once heard their conversation with Miguel. Don Facundo's last will is that Rancho Villaverde will go to Miguel. But he has to make the last will that he marry the grand daughter of Don Rafael who is his best friend' she recalled it in her mind.

'Don Facundo's last will is that Rancho Villaverde will go to Miguel. But he has to make the last will that he marry the grand daughter of Don Rafael who is his best friend' she recalled what has Miguel said too.

She wanted to disappear like a bubble where she is sitting. She bent down looking at the shiny floor. She was on the side of the bed folded. Suddenly the door opened and she did not know if Miguel was really sure if she was asleep. But it found him wide -eyed.

"Did you go out earlier?" it asked her

"Why did you ask?"

"I'm just asking."

"I just got up to go to the bathroom."

Full of lies prevailed in her mouth. She did not yet know what to do and say. She wanted to think it over. If Miguel planned to fool her, she was ready to ride it even if it was painful. But for what else. She akready knew about Rod, her aunt Stella's son. The reason why she is with Miguel. Her mind began to get confused. She has to be wise. Do the ways she can make revenge to Miguel. But why does she seemed to be losing her self -confidence. From the beginning, she only want to do revenge because she was Mondragon. For his grandmother Trinidad. For the life lost because of Celestina. And on land owned by her great grandfathers.