

It's remorseful. At what she said to Miguel. That it took advantage to her while she was burning with fever. She was just been hugged all night. To make her feel warm while sleeping. The fact that she should have been even more grateful. It's too late to feel sorry. It doesn't come first. She would not have hurt Miguel emotionally. Has she done much that should be regretted as Miguel's wife. But what does she really cares for. Her mind was confused.

"Huuuuh!" A deep sigh that she let out.

It's twelve o'clock at noon time and the sun is too hot straight away. But the man she longed to see if not around isn't there yet. She was upset that it left and did not say any at what time he would return. She was bored in the guest room. And hungry too. No choice but to wait for Miguel before Celestina saw her inside Villaverde's mansion. In an hour the person she didn't know if

she hated or loved finally arrived.

"I've already brought our lunch inside here."

'Wait. What's for lunch?' she said it to her mind.

She didn't want Miguel to eat with her. But there was nothing she could do. Her stomach was also growling hungry.

"All right," she agreed.

That which means she agrees to have lunch together.

"I'm sorry if I just came. Are you hungry? Let's eat."

Miguel arranged the table on the side of the bed on which she laid. And it first take care of her. Instead of putting himself first the food on his own plate.

'I'm really hungry' complaint says her mind.

Her stomach was already boiling so she was disgusted. Fortunately, she has no longer have a fever. She was no longer dizzy and her head was no longer aching.

"My car broke down in the woods. That's why I took so long. I did walk. The good thing happened someone passed by. One of Don Rafael's men and got me on board. You're the one I'm worried about. I think you might be hungry."

'Oh! See what Zav? His car broke at woods. And he even walked just to go home 'whispered his conscience.

"I'm sorry please. I didn't mean to last long.''

Miguel repeats the apology.

Zaviah remained silent as he entered the guest room.

"Sorry please."

It uttered the word sorry for the third time. But Zaviah still doesn't seem to have heard. It stood up and slowly walked away after eating. He thinks it's still weak so he's at the back supporting. But his wife raised his right hand. Which means she's okay and let her walk alone. Therefore he is not needed to sustain. It was inevitable to feel the pain of being ignored. He stood in front of the comfort room which was also inside the guest room. His wife came inside.

He waited for it too come out. At that moment he didn't know what else to say just so he could talk to Zaviah. He couldn't bear that he's been ignored.

"Uh! Uh!" he spoke uniquely.

Zaviah stumbled, good thing he caught it. His foot was trampled and it even ran over him. He was lying on the floor and his wife was still on top of him. He doesn't care if he's hurt. Anyway he also seemed lucky with what happened. Their cheeks were already touching. He could now kiss his wife on the lips. But he was afraid. And what he didn't expect to happen was that he had a strange feeling he gradually felt.

'Kiss her' Temptation whispered on his left ear.

'Don't do that she will get even angrier to you' Conscience whispered too on his right ear.

But the temptation prevailed so he kissed the blush from Zaviah's lips.

'It's up to you' That was the last words he heard.

He couldn't imagine what may happened next. Her wife didn't push him away. Instead it responded with a passionate kiss on his lips. Zaviah's heartbeat quickened as he felt it too. It was then that he realized that the woman he also loved completely still really loved him. He hugged tightly and wouldn't let it her go. Their hearts were longing each other. Love gets burning. So he did not realize that his lips crawled down his neck on purpose. Slowly he laid on the floor the woman he had longed for so much. The t-shirt that Zaviah was wearing is loose so he could easily hold it up. And exposed to his eyes the perfect cone of a peaceful volcano. It was so enticing to his sight. Especially with someone like him not trying to find someone else.

"Can I?"

He even managed to ask if he could suck. He saw no reaction. It did not directly say no but he knew he had permission because it did not refuse. So his heart was very happy. His tongue touched and slowly savored the relish. That he was like a hungry child. In the absence of the wife he remained faithful. He felt his wife lift her back off the floor. Sign of strange electricity he caused. But then he was been pushed. It ran quickly and went to bed. Lie down and cover herself with a blanket. He didn't expect that again.

All he thought was that his wife would completely give herself to him. And he also thought that he was been forgiven.

"I'm sorry again. Huh!"

He whispered apologizing for his fury. A deep sigh followed. Even though it was covered with a blanket he was still talking. Even though he had no hope of speaking it yet. How many times has he apologized. He doesn't want to count as long as he hopes that one day he will be able to fully regain the love of a woman who is even more elusive than the beast in the forest.

"I'm sorry because I was tempted."

No answer as if in the air he apologizes. So Miguel stood up. He first sat on the sofa that was also inside the guest room. He planned to take a bath to soothe the heat he felt. His manhood was awakened when the two of them met on the floor.