
414. Battle of the Back Hill_1

Wu Lan looked at her chickens with a smile on her face and a soft light in her eyes, obviously already fantasizing about the wonderful taste of their eggs in soup or fried into chicken chunks.

Peering in again, she saw the long-tailed pheasants, all show and no meat, dragging their long feathers, walking around in the chicken coop with their fluffy chicks...

Completely inept.

They weren't even in the running for food, relying solely on their small size to force their way in.

As for the female one... that one had much more prospects than the male, occasionally going out on the town without a care for home!

Wu Lan didn't mind, she just roughly counted them and, satisfied, went back home.

Little did she know, once she left, the chicken coop became even livelier!

Sharp claws scratched around, and soon the whole chicken nest was scattered with broken rice husks, some inside bellies and some underfoot.