
Chapter 14: Space for Him

We're now in my room. My mom was in the chair beside the bed while I'm seating in the bed. I already told my mom my decision. I don't know if she will allow me or not, but I hope she will. I'm not deciding for myself, it's for us. Even if they already broke up years ago, I still want to know more about my father. I want the pain in me and mom to fade.

"Are you sure you want to meet them?" That was my mom. I can sense that she was stopping me. It's noticeable.

I know she doesn't want me to do this but for me, it's the right thing to do. All I want is closure. He's my father after all.

"Yes, mom. I am" I assure her. Zayden decided to join me in seeing my dad's other family. I agreed with him. I gave him a small smile to assure her that I know what I am saying.

She held my hand "Maybe you just missed him" she said with her soft voice.

She is right. Maybe I just missed the warmth of his love. It's been a year since we last met. Actually, I never thought that it would become a year. I thought he's just joking when he said that he has another family.

"Are you allowing me to see him, mom?" I asked.

She looked down. I can see in her eyes that she is still hurt. "Sylvie, I have no right to stop you from seeing your father. I know that he cheated on me, on us. But still, he is your father. Even if he chooses his other family instead of us, you should still thank him because he takes care of you" she said "Even if it is not long" she looked down.

My heart hurt because of what she's saying. Since my father left us, he keeps reminding me to thank him. She's accusing herself because she can't give me a not broken family.

I gave her a small smile, "Mom, it's okay" I comforted her.

"Let's go?" That was Zayden. He's now ready to drive me into my father's house. "If you want to back out it's okay. But I suggest that you should continue seeing your father, Sylvie" he gave me a small smile.

"I will not back out, Zayden. I will not take back my decision" he nodded.

I looked at him. We're in front of my home. His outfit was like he was the one who would meet my father. He's wearing a Gray V Neck T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Why are you looking at me?" he asked, curiously. "You're judging me, aren't you?" his eyes sharpened at me.

My eyebrow furrowed "I'm not judging you" I defend myself.

He let out a laugh "I'm just making you laugh, hon"

My eyes widened. What did he just call me? "Hon? Are you crazy?" he just laughed.

I entered his car. It looks cleaner than it's usual arrangement. The smell if his car was like a flower.

I gave him the address and he started driving. My father doesn't know that I'm going to visit him. My heart was pounding so fast because he might get mad at me.

While he was driving, I noticed that he was sweating buckets. It is like he was more nervous than me. He can't even concentrate on driving.

"Hey, it's a red light." he stopped the car.

When the light becomes green, he continues to drive.

Minutes passed, we were already here. In front of their house. Zayden and I were still in his car. I'm hesitating to go out of his car because of nervousness. I'm scared that my father might not recognize me.

"You can do it, " Zayden said while slowly tapping my shoulder.

I went out of his car. I'm here in front of their door. My hands were trembling when I was about to press the doorbell. I looked back at the car. He was cheering me.

Zayden decided to not join me in meeting my dad again. He wants me to do it by myself. I pressed the doorbell. My heart was still thumping so fast. My breath stopped when the door suddenly opened.

"Uh Is there something I can help you with?" a cute girl asked me. I think she was around 5 years old. She looks so cute and he looks like my dad. " We're looking alike" she pointed at me then she gave me a wide smile.

I know it's their daughter, my step sister. She really has the resemblance of my father.

I smile back at her "Is your father here?" she pointed inside their house but I can't see what she was pointing out because the door was half-open.

"Who's there, Denice?" I heard a familiar voice, it is my dad. My tears suddenly fell.

"Why are you crying?" Denice asked, worried.

My dad suddenly went out "S- slyvie" he said.

My tears started to fall, continuously. I missed how he said my name. I tried to wipe my tears but it's still falling. It won't stop!

"D- dad" I was stopping myself to hug him because he might be irritated.

I take a look at the small kid again that is named Denice. She was perplexed about what was happening right now.

"How are you, my daughter?" his tears started to fall too. My tears explode. Daughter. I never hear him say that. His deep voice was calling me his daughter.

This time, I didn't stop myself. I hugged him. I thought I wouldn't feel that I have a father that is beside me again. I thought I would be mad at him permanently. But I was wrong, he still has space in my heart.

He hugged me back. "I'm sorry, Sylvie. I'm sorry for not taking care of you. I hope you're not mad at me. I love you, Sylvie" he cried.

Denice went inside their house. She was clueless about what was happening right now. We're still in their door. When someone is walking in the street, they are looking at us. I just don't mind them.

I feel like this time is for me. I feel like it's my moment. We are still hugging each other. I never thought that I will be this happy again.