

She’s next in line, He’s out for a crime.

anoahmous · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs




I shout so loud in front of them and I stand out of my chair because of their order, they cringe a little because of I react.

"PLEASE! NO!" I get away from them and just stand staring out the window.

"I WILL NEVER DO THAT!" I shout again, and my eyes are now bucket of tears.

The chair moves as my Mother stands up too, even as I turn my back on them I could feel their sighs pouring out.

"Celynne, there is no choice, if you do not do it quickly… our business will be devastated." As he says hinting sad words out of his mouth, then I could feel my Mother approaching me.

"Please understand dear, if you won't do this… our company will be closed for the next three months." She touches my shoulders as I hold back my tears and controlling my breath.

The work is hard, I thought I have given them enough, yet there is still something else you have to sacrifice for this crap.

My body is no longer in good condition, as if something heavy is attached to my shoulders as Mother held me.

I just look at the stiff trees outside as I caress my back to my Mother so I could fix my feelings, but nothing changes.

Even though I was holding back my tears, now it reaches to my cheeks.

"You must do this Celynne, you are the only hope in our business." My Father says suddenly. Their voices seem to divide my happiness, my dignity to be happy and to be true to myself, as if losing my appetite, being in a family pressure is a whole lot to contract and take in with you, it's like a force pain to be at, and I hope none of most children will ever encounter this no matter how it is just easy from the start.

My Mother returns to my Father's side again and sits down. "We have already arranged you a meet-up with him, at our building. I know you'll do fine." He gives me a reassuring look before I could refuse them. But I don't have a choice.


I just cling to what I feel, I do not plan to accompany their presence anymore, so I walk away slowly to my room away from their words of encouragement.

I know the maids were glued to our ears. So better off—to cut it off before they will hear all of it. With my pain and fear and anger being mixed with the sad reality, I sluggishly slam the door of my room.

After with all the fuss I just dealt with them. I put on my pajamas after taking a shower with the lukewarm water. I then dry my hair with a blow dryer, I can't sleep with it when it still wet. Not to say I don't want to sleep because I will be blind with this, or I'll be deaf, or be crazy, or even to have white hair.

But the doctor told me that I should dry it off, because if I give it time to sleep with my hair wet, my scalp can get infected, because of the wet pillows and bedsheets.

Honestly, my dream was really to be a doctor, but it was already taken away. I also dream of becoming an NBI agent, but my parents also do not agree with it. Before I could even think that later it failed, and it just replaced it.

An 'heiress', with scattered dreams.

In my mind and from my sight, I thought there is a shadow of a person just beside on my window, but there is no one there when I face it, I only saw the round moon high as it is ever be.

Without hesitation I cover the window with red curtains, I violently pulled it out because I harbor anger and sadness now. Soon I am bound to lie on my bed. With the soft fabrics and its lining, I finally defeated the feelings I feel heavy with this.

"I guess this is the day I will be facing the new beginning." I murmur to myself and exhale a massive air from me.

"The day, I will meet him… I will meet, my soon to be fiancé. "