

She’s next in line, He’s out for a crime.

anoahmous · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs



The sun rises, at least not gloomy as yesterday, but I do not want to get up, even if by the means I should be now. I don't feel well and excitement in me is nowhere to be found in meeting him now.

But again, I have no other choices.

There is a knock on my door three times, and I am just disturbed by a bit. "My dear, it's past seven, we have to be there before noon." It is my Mother's voice, soft as it sounds like my bed.

she knocks again, "My dear, get up, we have to be on time with your meet-up with him." Before I could just raise my body up, she is no longer at the door, I stretch out my arms and yawn deeply.

The day has finally come, to meet with my partner that will be with me for the next years of my life.


After I prepare myself, my parents and I come to our building. Though the weather is nice and the skies are mellow blue, but my feelings are just too gloomy.

This is the second day of being an heiress, but I immediately feel the pain of suffering, but I cannot give all my frustration to my health, whether physical or mental. I should know that this world is not for the prey, so I have to be buffed up—like what they say.

When my parents and I pass by, the hall, the people are focused on us, almost all of them focuses on me.

Probably because of how I did with my makeup, it's too smoky than before, and I hate wearing too much but I did try.

Honestly, I really have no intention of putting on makeup, because that's my way of him not wanting to be his fiancée. I am going to look ugly since I myself consider when I am not looking at the mirror, but I do have guess it is all about money, well obviously.

But if I do it, it will also be a big failure in the plans made that I can help our company. Or even if I haven't put it in yet, I think I'll still be beautiful to his sight nothing or less more hope.

When you see my parents and I walking, we are all shades of copper brown, and our skins are smooth.

Because the place is different here in other parts of the country, it will be more appropriate to have a beautiful and shapely body if you have skin that is not white, because people believe your body is healthy with it for the sun kisses you much.

But that is not the reason we will give offensive manner to whites, everything is beautiful, but still everything is different here in there, that's the world works.

When my parents and I separate, I hurry into my office.

As soon as I enter, there are many folders immediately on my desk. It is more than yesterday.

When I arrange them on the side… there is a small piece of paper.


His letter still has a heart at the end, I cringe a little of how cheesy it may seem, I guess he came here before me.