
Her Billionaire Doctor

As the daughter of the successful businessman, Mr. Ahmed Ozkan, Esma Ozkan lives her life like a princess. She possesses everything many girls feel envious of, the palace-like house she resides in, her brilliant career as a fashion designer, and a handsome billionaire doctor's fiance, Erhan Durmaz. Erhan is the only heir of his father's business empire; aside from his job as a doctor, he was also the CEO of the Durmaz Hotel, owned by his family. Erhan and Esma have grown together since childhood and love grows in their hearts eventually. That man proposes to her on a cruise ship through an extravagant engagement party. However, her perfect life vanishes in the blink of an eye when a girl named Yara Baiq enters her world and confesses as the real daughter of the Ozkan family. Not only does her existence kick Esma out of her luxurious life but it also reveals the biggest secret and betrayal behind the perfect image of the Ozkan family. Yara Baiq has a bad past life of struggling and going through the adversities of living with her toxic mother who always tortured her. But destiny crushed all her misery overnight when she discovered the facts about her parents and let her take over Esma's position in the Ozkan family.  Nevertheless, there is a bad rumor circulating in the family after Yara's presence; some stand with and believe in her but the rest doubt her identity. Yet, no one knows the culprit lingers among them except her. Who is the real daughter of the Ozkan family, Esma or Yara? After Yara loots everything from her, will Esma forfeit her true love - Erhan Durmaz? To whom will Erhan render his heart when the bitter reality forces him to choose between Esma and his family?

Lusi_Solona_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Who is He?

Yara stared at the text she received and reread it over and over while convincing herself whether or not to accept that man's invitation. Two sides of her heart still debated on it when her strict supervisor shouted her name out.

"Yara ... .the break time is over!" At that squeaky yell of the corpulent lady, Yara responded with a nod while stepping toward her direction. Not in the mood to interact with anyone, that girl moved past that woman without a word with her eyes on the screen of her phone. "Will you work or play with your gadget?"

Listening to her sarcasm, Yara immediately kept her phone in her pants pocket; and after a slight bow she showed to the woman, she climbed down the stairs to restart her routines. Cleaning the restrooms was a part of her duty which she did once in one hour.

Yara inhaled the air of the energy to mop the floor which ticked with the dirt after recess. Her nose flared at the bed smells from one of the chambers which she soon entered in a hurry; her eyes balled out at what she saw. Despite the fact how annoyed she was at the irresponsible person who did not flush the toilet, she could not complain for this was the only job she did to support her life. It was not her first time experiencing this kind of thing after all.

The text that stranger sent her played in her head again; what if it was her only hope to change her fate? What if the man revealed the truth of who she was and brought her to her real wealthy family? Having rich parents would save her from doing this job which had exhausted her days and nights.

That thought lingered in Yara's heart that she was unable to concentrate on what she did; she did not notice the supervisor's surveillance. The reddened face of that woman indicated her anger toward her for the mess in the room she had no chance to clean.

"Yara….!" At that snarl of hers, Yara bit her lower lips while running closer to that woman. "Do you want me to report this to the manager so that you can get fired?"

"Please…don't! I'll clean the mess."Grabbing the tool leaning against the wall, Yara mopped the floor which she once left to rinse the grubby toilet.

"I have noted some mistakes you made; you know exactly what the consequence is for your carelessness."

It was a warning Yara could not turn a blind eye to; that woman meant it with her words. If she wanted to keep her job here, the only option for her was to obey all her words.

Her phone rang again amid doing her work and it was a text from the same person who adamantly persuaded her to meet him in the cafeteria she received. It bewildered her if she should just trust the man's words and sign the agreement to find her true parents. But, she shall not believe in a stranger, the final words her grandmother said to her before her death.

"What should I do now?" Yara walked back and forth in front of the restroom's mirror after completing her tasks. "I have to go; let's see what he's going to offer." In a murmur, Yara dashed out to her locker room where she changed her attire into her casual cloth.

However, on her walk through the corridor, she bumped into her fierce supervisor who unfortunately assigned her another additional job which ruined her plan. Holding back her annoyance, it was only obedience she showed to her.

"Ms. Baiq. I know it's break time but It is only you that I can rely on in this situation. Can you do me a favor? Doctor Yilzid's room needs cleaning up as one of his patients puked out on the room floor. " That girl doubted if she should agree or not for the man who texts her might have been out of his patience now. Can you do it for me?" She confirmed Yara's availability as Yara just stood in silence. "Yara…."

"I will; I will make sure that his room will be clean as soon as possible." Yara knew well that her supervisor would never tolerate a rejection or an excuse.

"Great, then. What are you waiting for? Do it now."

Yara, in a rush, marched toward doctor Yilzid's room which was located on the sixth floor. Taking a lift, she could reach her destination on time.


A dark brown eyed man in a dark tuxedo with thin mustache, sat cross legged on his seat waiting for someone in uneasiness as it had been too long for him to stay in the cafeteria. He sipped the water in his glass again to kill the boredom but that did not remove his annoyance at the girl who until now did not even respond to his text.

His secretary, a lanky man in black suit and glasses, who noticed his impatience, approached him. "Are you sure you will wait for her, Sir? You have an important meeting in an hour."

"I will leave in ten minutes; if she doesn't come in the meantime, then we have to find another way to persuade her to sign the agreement."

His man, the one he trusted the most, nodded his head. "I understand, Sir."

That man gulped the last drop of his drink and grunted. "That girl…is it too difficult for her to trust my words?" He then checked on his watch and the time showed ten minutes had passed which compelled him to go for his tight schedule.

Standing to his feet, he signaled to his secretary to leave the cafeteria after putting some cash on the table; that man obediently walked behind him, walking toward the exit.

Just after a minute of their leaving, Yara reached the entrance of the restaurant with her gasping breath,running from the front area to the building. She spotted no one resembling the man who sent her a message no matter how many times her eyes scanned each corner of the grand room.

In hopelessness, Yara turned around; as she arrived too late, that man might have left. It was strange that she felt a regret in her heart for forfeiting the opportunity to meet that person she once cared not.

But, her eyes caught someone familiar who was about to climb into the car in the parking lot; her lips extended into a smile. Without further wait, she jogged toward that man who had slid into the car.