
Her Alpha Mates

"She was meant to be shared by the Alpha Brothers." When Myra is granted a wish from the moon goddess, she gives the moon goddess a long list of qualities she'd like in her mate. The moon goddess knows only one way to fulfil Myra's long list of wishes- by pairing her with the Alpha brothers. The same Alpha brothers who have been hunting for her for years. Hunter and Mateo King. The Alpha brothers are said to be ruthless Alphas. Their name strikes fear in other Alphas. No one who has ever gotten on their bad side has survived to tell the tale except a notorious hacker- Myra Woods. But what happens when they find out the notorious hacker is their fated mate? ~ 18 + only This is a dark romance book with very intense scenes. Please read with caution.

AnnaBlazer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs



"You're underestimating me," he insisted, giving me a pointed look. "I'm the Alpha of the Nightfall pack. There's nothing I couldn't do for you." He challenged me; if anything, it made me want to laugh louder.

Instead, I smiled at him and wondered if he'd say the same if he knew who I was. I guess not, but at the same time, new ideas sprouted in my head— of how I could fuck with him now that I knew he was my mate and how eager he was to get me. Hmm… it already felt exciting, and I needed to consider it.

But for now, I didn't trust myself with him in the same room, especially with my wolf growing more eager to get closer to him. His pheromones were also growing more potent in the room with every second. I was afraid if I stayed there longer, he might make me go into heat, mainly because he was an alpha.

His wolf was mighty and domineering. He'd want to secure me as his mate as soon as possible by claiming me. I needed to get out of there before it was too late.

"I see," I nodded, "I'll think about it, but I must leave now. I don't like my boyfriend to keep waiting," I told him with a devilish smile. Speaking those words felt like I was shoving a knife in his heart, but I loved it, especially the slightly defeated look on his face. However, the determination was still in him. I could feel it radiating off him. All the more reasons to fuck out of there as soon as possible.

As time passed while we were together, I imagined all the ways he could please me. However, I didn't want those fantasies to overpower my logic.

"Your ex-boyfriend," he corrected me possessively, his body tensed like a predator about to charge after its prey. I might as well have been playing with fire, but I didn't care. I wanted to irk him, but my efforts seemed vain.

For an alpha who had found his mate, he seemed highly in control and rational. This was unlike the other alphas, who immediately turned into animals and wouldn't stop until marking their mates. I had heard some traumatic stories about such mating, and it had always made me wish never to have an alpha mate. The moon goddess had done me wrong.

However, the way Mateo maintained his calmness, it meant he was damn powerful. I shouldn't have cared, but I fucking liked it.

"Whatever, I need to see him," I told him, getting up to leave, but he remained seated. His body was tenser than ever. I kept an eye on him as I headed towards the door. "And don't fucking follow me. I need time to sort this out,"

"I understand," He uttered, getting up, but before he could reach out and haul me against him, I stepped out of his reach. He gave me a disgruntled look but made no effort to get me. Instead, he unlocked the door for me. "But when can I see you again?" He asked, bringing back his business tone as we stepped out.

"I don't know," I ignored, determined to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Myra," He called for me, instantly making my heart flutter in my chest. Everything inside me ached for him, and my wolf howled woefully, displeased to leave him so soon. Leaving felt even worse because I could hear the longing in his voice. "We'd need to meet again," He stated.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved my hand, trying to act casual and unbothered, but inside, my heart was breaking to leave him. Even though I hated him, I loved pushing his buttons and waiting for his reaction. Surprisingly, he didn't seem like the person I expected him to be, which ignited my interest in him.

I had half expected him to force himself on me and mark me without my consent like most of the alphas did with their mates upon meeting, but he had been respectful of my boundaries and choices. It oddly made me want to look forward to meeting him again.

Maybe he was putting up an act to impress me. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, but at the same time, I reminded myself that he could have easily forced himself on me when we were alone in the private conference room. Again, I didn't want to read too much into it. That might make me focus too much on his positive attributes, and I needed to avoid that now.

He was still my enemy and the man I hated the most. One of the most important missions of my life was to ruin him, and I wasn't going to let some rose-tinted glass put on me by my hormones and the damn mating bond ruin the work of my life.

Nuh-unh. Not happening on my watch.

"Myra," He called for me again. He had followed me outside the hotel, which I disliked. I wanted to turn around and tell him to stop following me, but something in me told me that'd backfire. "I'm serious about you,"

"I'm making no promises," I responded, standing by the road. I looked around and realized I was at the back of the hotel. The road there was rather empty. Why did I get here? Of course, I got too distracted because of him. Fuck him!

Finally, my patience snapped, and I turned on my heels to give him a murderous glare. All he did was stand there and look at me as if I were the biggest puzzle of his life that he couldn't wait to solve. Hah! I'd do a number on him soon to see if he still felt that way.

"Leave me alone, Mateo. I don't want to do this," I snapped.

"All I'm asking from you is a chance. Tonight wasn't great, but I want to make it up to you. We can start afresh again, " he offered, stepping closer to me. His dark eyes hungrily searched my face for a sliver of hope, but I was determined to give him none. "I will be what you want me to be," he added, a glint of something indistinct in his eyes making me pause for a second and consider.

He must've read the expression on my face because he gave me a slow, handsome smile. I tried not to stare too much at his lips and focused on glaring at him.

"Are you available tomorrow?" he asked me eagerly, stepping closer. I should've stepped back, but I didn't.

"No, I need to go now," I booted.

"I'll have one of my men drop you home," He suggested.

"So that you could find out where I live?" I accused. He cocked an eyebrow at me, a hint of challenge in his eyes.

"Myra, before you get home tonight, I'd have discovered everything about you," He said. I laughed at him again.

"I'd love to see what you get," I winked.

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