

What do you think you are doing?' She abruptly stood to her feet, pushing the man away from her. 'And who are you? What are you doing in my house and kitchen?' The unknown man rose to his feet, wearing a puzzled look. "Your house? Your kitchen?" "Yes," Nino tried to sound confident even though mere looking at him sent cold blood down her spine. "A burglar won't be treating himself to dinner so who the heck are you?" "I should be asking you this," his cold impassive voice came again. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" After being cheated on by her boyfriend. Nino learnt her house has been sold to a complete stranger, the news of her parent's house being sold by the man her parents borrowed a loan from and couldn't pay back before their death. The news hit Nino Peterson to the core. She swore to take back her parent's house but when she realized the amount the man bought her house, she knew she couldn't pay him on time or send him packing either. So the two reached a compromise that she will still live in her parent's house until she was able to pay back the amount the man paid on her house. But will she be able to live under the same roof with a man knowing he's a complete stranger and the atmosphere will not be the same anymore? And when she also learns the truth about the man living under the same roof with her, would she be able to deal with it?

Jane_Chunli · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs


𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

"Daniel, do you want to come with me to work?" Nino switched off the toast maker, wore hand gloves and removed the bread from the toast and place them on a plate. Across the kitchen dining, was Daniel who watched as she prepared breakfast for him. She poured some milk into a cup and settled it beside the table.

"Here, breakfast is served." She smiled.

Daniel sat down on the chair she pulled out. "I want to go see mom in the hospital, I want to know how she's doing."

"Your mom is doing okay," she patted his head as he took a bite from the bread. "And we will go see her later in the day."

He looked up from his food to her. His lips curled into a brilliant smile. "Thank you, thank you for always being there for my mom. Despite the fact, that you are struggling yourself as well."

"Your mom and I went to the same high school and college," she stood up and removes the remaining bread from the toast maker. "Your mom was very spirited, bold and had this cool personality I have always wanted to have. She stood up for me so many times so I'm repaying her for all she did."

Nino smiled at the memory of her, Joana and Yass's school days. They were teens back then, girls who never knew how the world operated. They were three girls living in the fantasy world they created for themselves. Nino was the timid type because of what the other kids thought of her. Ever since she lost her parents, the bullying became nastier.

She was a sociopath, afraid of the names the other kids will render on her. She always stayed in her lane, do her things and remained invincible and insignificant to the other kids. But Joana and Yass changed that.

"Hey, mind if we join you?" Nino lifted her head to the two girls before her. Smiling brilliantly with the cafeteria lights reflecting in their eyes. One was average with light auburn hair, and round aquamarine eyes coupled with her cupid bow nude lips which made her face an interesting piece of art to explore. She wore a yellow tank top with strap hands matched with the denim tight jeans over her skinny body, and the dim white Nike sneakers on her feet.

The other was tall and had a curvy body. Her frame was matched with her honey-blonde beige straight hair, cat-shaped ocean blue eyes and her downward turned pink lips. The colour of her eyes matched the body hug gown she wore and the pumps on her feet which made her body a masterpiece.

Nino gawked at the two girls like they are strange beings. They looked all fancy and it triggered her social phobia. She lowered her face to her food and slowly nodded her head. The one with the honey blonde beige hair plops herself beside her. It made Nino uneasy cause no one has ever sat next to her in the cafeteria. It felt like she never belonged in school.

The other sat opposite her, it felt new and strange having someone- not just one but two share an eating table with her. It gave her mixed feelings that they might be here to mock or pick on her like other kids too.

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable around us," she looked up and met the one with the beige hair smiling sweetly at her. "We don't bite and by the way, I'm Yassmine Grey and you?"

"I'm Nino- Nino Peterson." She smiled back, praying she doesn't act stupid or dumb in front of them.

"And I'm Joana Williams." The girl opposite her introduced herself with a smile on her face. Nino couldn't identify what was going on in her. She was happy to have them sit with her but at the same time, her heart raced with fear they might try to prank her as other students do. And she will be the topic of all social media.

"You look calm and reserved, I like that." Yass interrupted her thoughts.

"Yup, unlike you," Joana chirped in. Yass laughed. "You should learn from her."

She takes a bite from her hamburger.

"You shouldn't let that group bully you," Yass points her spoon to a group of two boys and girls occupying a table at the far end of the cafeteria. "They are not worth it. You need to man up, I mean you are smart, intelligent and driven."

A smile lit up on Nino's face at her compliment. "Thanks."

"She's been observing you from afar. I think she's in love with you." Joana said which made Nino laugh.

She laughed so hard, that the two girls stared at her. "I mean it kinda feels awkward because this is my first time talking to someone."

"You should associate more so peeps won't see you as a weirdo." Yass implied. "And smile often. You have a beautiful smile."

The happiness Nino was feeling. Enjoying their company was ended when that group evacuated the table and turn to exit the cafeteria when the leader of the gang spotted her.

Nino saw a smug smile appear on her lips and she gestured to her group to her table. The others looked at her and they started marching toward her table.

"Act like they are invincible," Yass suggested.

"Well, you finally found yourself eating partners," the girl who has a bitch look with wavy cinnamon hair gave her smug smile.

The trio didn't say a word and ate their food. Ignoring them.

"I see, playing dumb, huh? It's good, though I used to think you were just a bookworm and a loser. Didn't know you also know how to make friends."

The 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟 word triggered Yass. "Why don't you and your silly dummies bus off? "The only loser I see hear, is you?" Yass gave her a death glare. "If you don't disappear this minute, you will question your existence by the time I'm done with you."

"And you should count yourself lucky if you had an IQ likes hers." She added. "Now 𝑏𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝑓!"

And her words and facial expression worked. The girl stared at her and Yass before walking off with her group. But before walking out with her entourage, Nino saw the corner of her lips quirk in distaste.

"And that's how you get rid of bugs," Yass turned to look at her with a triumphant smile on her face.

"Nino? Nino?" Daniel's voice jarred her back to reality. "Where was your mind?"

"Nowhere," She smiled. "I was remembering the times I spent with your mom and Yass. It was blissful, your mom was young and full of life and Yass was caring but also a savage type."

She came to sit back beside him. "That's why I know your mom will be okay, she's a fighter."

Daniel smiled.

"Well, finish up your food cause I don't want to be late to work." 𝐴𝑙𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝐼 𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑎𝑚. She trailed off her mind to the man occupying her parent's room. "Eat up so you will grow up strong….."

"Like that man that saved you and mom last night." Nino wasn't expecting him to say that. "He flew in like superman….I want to be strong like him. I want to be like him, he seems cool and he's like a villain from an action movie."

"Not like him," Nino shook her head and let out a nervous chuckle. "But you will be way stronger than him."

"By the way, does he live here?"

𝐴𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑤. She said inwardly. "You can say that."

"But why does he want me to leave immediately?"

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just kidding." She smiled, reassuring the kid.

"Do you have to pay rent if I don't leave?"

"No," Nino soothingly stroked his hair. "As I said earlier, he's just kidding. Why would I pay rent on my house?"

"Right," Daniel nodded in agreement. He was about to ask another question when she cuts him off.

"Eat up, I don't want to be late for work." She stood up and tidied up the kitchen.

"But you are the owner of the company," Daniel turns to look at her, as she rinses the plates.

"Yes but I don't want to be late as well. It shows I'm a good leader if I go to work early. I'm setting a norm for my workers and you are coming with me."


Nino halted her car in front of Alternate Universe company, her own company. The company her parents passed down to her. The glass house company stood up on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. she climbed down from the car. Daniel did the same.

They emerged inside the company and some of the staff were already present. Though Nino has a charismatic personality, she was strict when it comes to work. She was bent on bringing back the company's lost glory even if it means she and the workers has to work their asses off. She needed money to pay them as well.

Her workers dispersed to their various duty posts at the sight of her. Greeting her as she and Daniel make their way to the elevator. But she bet she heard murmurs from them asking who is the kid.