

What do you think you are doing?' She abruptly stood to her feet, pushing the man away from her. 'And who are you? What are you doing in my house and kitchen?' The unknown man rose to his feet, wearing a puzzled look. "Your house? Your kitchen?" "Yes," Nino tried to sound confident even though mere looking at him sent cold blood down her spine. "A burglar won't be treating himself to dinner so who the heck are you?" "I should be asking you this," his cold impassive voice came again. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" After being cheated on by her boyfriend. Nino learnt her house has been sold to a complete stranger, the news of her parent's house being sold by the man her parents borrowed a loan from and couldn't pay back before their death. The news hit Nino Peterson to the core. She swore to take back her parent's house but when she realized the amount the man bought her house, she knew she couldn't pay him on time or send him packing either. So the two reached a compromise that she will still live in her parent's house until she was able to pay back the amount the man paid on her house. But will she be able to live under the same roof with a man knowing he's a complete stranger and the atmosphere will not be the same anymore? And when she also learns the truth about the man living under the same roof with her, would she be able to deal with it?

Jane_Chunli · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
199 Chs



I felt this simmering resentment at the sight of his face, especially his smiling face. It reminded me of that night, the night I cried my soul out. The night he almost wiped out my existence. I trusted him with my life and he already made up his mind on what to do with me.

He nears my table and the smile was still plastered on his face, a fake smile prolly. "Nino, I didn't know I will meet you here."

"Me too," I replied icily. Narrowing my eyes to the girl who stood beside him. You know from the way they both plastered a smile on their faces, I could see right through right them that they are fidgeting with consternation or maybe not. Might be just my notion. He spoke up in a hurried tone and I'm not going to lie, I sense the hesitation and nervousness in his voice. But my 6th sense told me, this must be the lady he's cheating on me with. I don't want it to be based on my presumptions but I have this eerie feeling in me, she's the one.

That laugh, that female laughter behind his bedroom's door echoed in my ears I was impelled to look away from them. Their hateful words made my world come crumbling again. Joana and Yass noticed my countenance but didn't utter a word.

"Oh, pardon me," Marcus broke the awkward hushed atmosphere menacing around us when he discerned I wasn't going to speak at all. Though I wasn't looking at him I already sensed the questions in his eyes. "This is my cousin Kimberly, my distant cousin and Kimberly this is my girlfriend Nino."

'Pfftt,' I snorted sarcastically under my breath. Inaudible. Does he think I'm gonna fall for that?

"Oh hi, cousin Marcus said a lot about you," the so-called cousin extends her hand to me for a shake.

"I didn't ask," I stood up and returned my eyes to him. "Yass and Jojo, I'm leaving, I'm full." I looked at them and their eyebrows were arched in question.

"Nino, are you okay?" Jojo asked, holding up her right eyebrow in suspicion. And the look she gave me, I know she already knew something was off.

I pushed the chair a little backwards and made a move to leave but he held me back, I looked up to meet his eyes and I saw the worry in them, and sadness but I have made up my mind not to be swayed by his eyes. "Nino, why do I feel you are keeping your distance?"

"I'm not," my lips lit in a small sarcastic and sardonic smile. "I'm just busy….."

"Are you always busy!?" He put up his voice a little which caught my friend's attention and a few people there. "You always say you are busy when I call you or bump into you coincidently..." he paused and ran a hand through his blonde hair in frustration. "What's going on with you? With us?"

He clasped my arms and I tried to yank his hands off but his grip tightened on my arms and it was getting me pissed off. "Release me!" I death glared at him.

"Nino, I'm not letting you out of my sight without getting an explanation of your recent behaviour."

"If you don't release me, I'm going to..." I bit my lower lip, contemplating if I should voice out what was on my mind even if it sounds absurd and crazy. "If you don't take your hands off me, I'm sleeping with the first guy I lay eyes on in here."

My words caught him off guard, his hands fell from my arms and he took a move backwards. Perplexed. I know he's stunned at my assertion. He gave me an inquisitive look and tilt his head to the side, prolly trying to swallow what I said.

"What did you say?" He mumbled the question and moved back a little. I may not have my eyes on my two friends and the lady that came with him but I'm sure they are also as surprised as him. "You can't be serious."

"𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑦!" I heard Yass blurt.

"Watch and see if I do it or not, I'm sleeping with the first guy I lay eyes on in this restaurant." I averted my eyes and just then I felt luck shined on me when I saw him walk in. I mean I never expected to see him out of the house talk more of here. I guess fate has a way of showing mercy on me even if through the devil.

I know he's my only getaway from here and I wonder what his reaction will be if I carry out this plan on my mind. Marcus tries to grab me again but I slipped and marched my way to him who was on the counter, trying to order something to eat.

"Hey, do you want to sleep with me?" I facepalm myself inwardly at what I said but I need to get out of here as soon as possible even if it means creating some drama.

He raises his right brow, giving me a look that says are you outta your mind? I signalled with my head at where Marcus and his so-called cousin was with the pale expression on their face. He looks over my shoulder and saw them. "𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝 𝑚𝑒, 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒," I whimpered and pleaded with my eyes.

"Nino, what has gotten into you?" Marcus walks toward us. My insides flares up at the sound of his shoes nearing us but to my ultimate surprise, I was appalled at the word that flew out of the mouth of the man before me.

"Sure, let's do it." He replied. I don't know if it was real or not but I saw his lips curl into a small smile. My heart thumped when he took my hand and we left the restaurant to the astonishment of the people there, especially my two friends. I don't know why but I felt this sensation and a tingling excitement as I lower my eyes to his hand wielding mine. To be honest, I can't predict this man, I was expecting his usual behaviour of ignoring me but instead, he left me stunned.

My whole body churned at his touch as he led me to my car. "Nino, Nino?" Marcus called after us and with the sound of his voice behind us, the pain I felt that night rode back. I tried to fight back my tears but I can't seem to do it. Tears stuck to my eyes threatening to fall. I felt broken knowing that he matters to me.

I loved him with my whole being, I can't imagine my life without him. My heart broke into tiny pieces but I looked over at the man holding my hand, there was something about his hand that felt so soothing and comforting. He pulls me to the front passenger's seat and opened it, I climb in and he hurries to the other side. He climbed into the driver's seat and shuts the door. I pulled up my windshield when Marcus came knocking on it.

I lowered my head as tears in my eyes threatened to fall. I fiddled my fingers and shut my eyes. Suppressing the lump building in my throat. Though my eyes weren't on him, I could feel his gaze on me.

"What else now?" He inquired

"Take me home, please?"

"I don't think I can do that," I lifted my face to him. Dismissing Marcus who kept knocking and calling out for my attention. I knew my eyes were already clouded with tears and I didn't mind if he sees me like this. I could only hide my teary face from Marcus by looking at him.

"If you don't give me your car keys," he added.

"Ohhh," I quickly rummaged my bag, pulling out the car keys. He starts the engine and hauled out of the restaurant. My head was hung low all this while as he whizzed home. I sniffed back the tears but then my mind traced back to the restaurant, I left my friends behind and they must be speechless at what happened some moment ago.

I'm going to explain everything to them tomorrow.


We arrived home, and he climbed down first but I remained in the car. Think about it, I mulled over at I asked him at the restaurant. I shut my eyes in humiliation, what prompted me to say that? I have to clear this with him, I only said that to get Marcus out of my sight. After some minutes of staying in the car, I got down and followed him inside the house.

I lowered my eyes, afraid to meet his gaze. Afraid to see what lies in there. "Sit," he ordered. I raised my head and saw him already seated with his legs crossed. His hands tugged against his chest?

"Also, when will it take place?" I arched my brow in question. Failing to understand what he meant. "We, sleeping together," he added.

My eyes went broad at his remark. Did he take my words for it? I only said that to get Marcus to leave me. "Wasn't that what you said at the restaurant?"

"I'm sorry," I said quickly and sat opposite him. "I didn't mean it that way, I only said that to get him to leave me alone."

"Who? Ahhh the drenched guy?" He fixed his eyes on me. I don't know if he's accusing me with his eyes or what?

"Who is he anyways? Why are you running from him?" He leaned out and waited for me to say something instead I droop my head. I didn't want to bring up Marcus' topic now. "Is he your first love? Your ex? A pervert? Your boyfriend?"

I kept mute.

"Seems you don't want to say a word. Anyways I want to inform you. What problem you got with him, never involve me again. Deal whatever problem you have with him and never try to butt me in again, got it?"

"Thank you," I muttered and looked up to meet his eyes. "Thanks for having my back out there."

"You looked miserable out there so I had no choice." My face turns into a scowl at his utterance. "Well," he sighed and unfolds his hands.

"I reckon you are having difficulties finding a new place so I'm letting you live under the same roof as me." My eyes lit up with joy.

See, I said I will never understand him or know what goes on in his head.

"But you got some rules to follow while living with me."